Bad End- (Akira) This Isn't the End...

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'Saiko is too close to the key, it's too risky to make a grab for it!' That's what I thought, but I would later Come to regret this decision. Instead of I or Akira, our only way out is now in the hands of our favorite stalker. Realizing the mistake I made, I decided to forget about what I thought before and tried to lunge at Saiko to fight for the key. Unfortunately for me, he saw it coming and easily threw me to the side.

I let out a scream of pain as my head hits a nearby wall. "(Y/N)!" I hear Akira scream my name.

It doesn't just hurt, everything is fuzzy and spinning. The pain and exhaustion in my legs are catching up with me, now I'm having a hard time getting up. 'Everything is... Getting dark...'

I can barely make out the sound of jingling keys and Saiko speaking in a sing song type of voice. "Come and get it!~" This was followed by the sound OF running. "Take it if you can!~"

"No! Give it back!" I heard Akira shout and run after him.

Struggling, I tried to get up. "Akira..! You idiot..!" I managed to stand, but my head was still spinning. "DON'T FOLLOW HIM..!" To the best of my current ability, I followed after them.

When I got close to the stairs leading to the first floor, I could hear Saiko's voice. "Hey senpai, do you want this key?" Then I heard the sound of struggling. "Give me that key!" After somehow managing to get down the steps, I turn my attention to the school's entrance, where I see Akira being strangled by Saiko.

"NO!" I shout.

He suddenly stops, quickly removing his hands from her neck. He backs away slowly while placing his hands on his head before collapsing to his knees. I finished descending the stairs and we both stared at him in silence, as well as shock and fear, but he was the one to break it. "Sorry... I'm Sorry..." His head hung so low that it almost looked like it was touching the floor.

Akira continues to stare at Saiko for a moment. 'My head feels fuzzy, and I no longer know what I'm doing.' I didn't like the look on her face, so I came closer, my axe clenched in my hands and no longer feeling as heavy as it used to. 'Everything that's happened to me... Everything that I've just went through... After having to suffer like this... Trying to steal Akira from me and kill her..?'

Akira got closer to him, looking at him sadly. I see her reach out a hand to him. "Hey-"

"If I had to go through all that just for him to get off scot free..."

"(Y/N)..? (Y/N)?!!"

I stand right at his side, axe raised high above my head just like back in the infirmary with Shinji. "WHAT WAS THE POINT?!?!" I swung down with the most strength I've ever used, his head almost came off in one strike.

"(Y/N)!!!" Akira's screams rang in my ears, but that didn't stop me from taking the second swing. His head came of that time, and I heard her scream in horror again. There was silence again, this time broken by Akira's voice. "(Y/N)... Wh-Why..?" I stare down at the body, refusing to answer. It went on like that for a little while. I stare down at the now dead Saiko, and Akira stares at me. She had time to think to herself for a moment, then she sounded both sad and afraid. "W-Was it actually you? W-Were you the one who killed... Shinji..?" There was still silence. "Please no..."

"Akira... You'll never love me now... You'll never want to be around or even see my face ever again, not after all this... Right..?"

She didn't respond, instead, she crouched down into the same position Saiko was in just moments before his death. "No... Oh no... Why..? Oh why..? No..."

"... Akira, can you look at me for a moment?" She did as I asked, but it was clear that she wished she didn't. What she was greeted with was me, with the axe raised above my head once more. I could see myself in those beautiful blue eyes of her, the very same ones that caught my attention the first time we met. 'I look so sad...'

"... (Y/N)..?"

"Goodbye Akira... I love you..."

(Time Skip)

"Of all places to go with a dead body early in the morning... I didn't think I would be back here..." I spoke to myself, sadly. I don't know what made me decide to come here with Akira, to the very place where I accidentally killed that little boy all those years ago.

I abandoned Saiko's corpse at the school and carried Akira's all the way to the lake. I carried her on my back and walked all the way there. It was a long trip and I almost collapsed a few times, but I made it. I looked down into the water, and I thought it looked beautiful. What made me do it? I couldn't tell you because even I don't know. Without another thought, I threw her body into the lake.

"Freeze! Put your hands up where I can see them!"

Can't say I'm surprised. Daylight came and the early birds were waking up. I was bound to get caught carrying a dead body in broad daylight. There's no doubt in my mind that someone called the cops.

"Do you not here us kid?! I said PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!"

"Whatever happens next... I'll leave that up to you..." I could no longer stay standing anymore, I was so tired. So tired I ended up falling into the lake, joining Akira, but I didn't mind. Don't you know? You should know this by now, but I go where she goes.

In the water, I could hear yelling that was muffled by the water in my ears. All I could think about was Akira and my regrets.

Now you may be wondering... 'Did I really just die? What the heck Author?!'

Well now... Who can say?

After all, I did just say... "Whatever happens next... I'll leave that up to you..." Maybe I died, maybe I didn't. That's up to you.

But does that really matter at this point? Haven't you read the title? It says... "Bad End"! No matter how it ends, it's still going to be a bad ending at the end of the day. Get it?! Haha! Ha... Please don't boo me...

There'll be a story with more to it than this one...

A story that you may or may not like more...

Just remember this...

This isn't the end...



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