chapter 4

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Previously, in chapter 3

Back at the Autobot base, we see the computer screen showing the scan of the substance that was on Arcee. As Ratchet tries to figure out what it is.

Ratchet: Hmm, the base elements of this goo are like nothing I've ever encountered. It must be extremely concentrated to have affected Arcee so rapidly. (Walks over to grab a pair of tongs) Unfortunately, complete results are slow-coming ( uses tongs to pick up the microscope strip with the goo on it) without the use of proper diagnostic tools. Thank you very much, bulkhead.

As he turns, a small drop of the substance falls and lands on the broken equipment that Bulkhead had broken. When it lands on the equipment, the substance is then absorbed by it, and it begins to move and transform into a weird version of said equipment, but it looks more like a spider than anything else. As it walks, it walks way to find a hiding spot somewhere in the base.


2nd Pov

We see Jack out with Arcee while they are at a stop sign with Arcee giving Jack tips on how to ride properly.

Arcee: Tighten your grip, Jack.

We hear the screeching of tires as Arcee takes off. Which freaks Jack out just for a moment. As Arcee and Jack do a wheel.

Jack: (Chuckles) Hey-- Hey, what's with you, Arcee?

Arcee: Thought you might actually enjoy the ride if you weren't getting shot at.

Jack: Oh, bring it.

Somewhere with Miko, Makoto, and Bulkhead. We can see that Miko is in Bulkhead's alt-mode, but Makoto is nowhere to be seen.

Miko: Ready... Set...

Bulkhead: Miko, I'm supposed to be protecting you.

Out nowhere, Makoto pulls up on her dirt bike right next to Bulkhead and Miko. Makoto tells Miko to roll the window down.

Makoto: Bulkhead, let me tell you this she is a lot safer here in your alt-mode than she is on my dirt bike.

Miko: Ya like my Auntie said and plus Bulkhead I'm strapped tight inside 10 tons of metal muscle. I'm protected.

An so bulkhead being too slow, move towards the edge as Makoto watches with a small smile on her face. An so when Bulkhead went down Makoto followed soon after them when she was right next them and the window still down she can hear Miko yelling and laughing in excitement.

Miko: Whoa-oh-oh-oh! ( Laughs)

Makoto:( laughs)

Next, we see Bumblebee and Raf sitting out in the middle of nowhere, and the two are playing a video game inside of Bumblebee alt-mode. An we get a wide view of the two, and we see Raf using a controller while Bee uses his steering wheel to play. That's when Bee won.

Raf: Awww!

Bee: I win again!

Raf: (Laughs) No fair, Bumblebee. You've been driving a lot longer than I have.

At the Autobot base, Ratchet is back at his computer trying to figure out what the goo was.

Ratchet: Thank goodness for the peace and quiet, but I do prefer to have Makoto working by my side again to keep me company. Besides that, house guests can be such a bother.

As Ratchet was using a cybertronian side microscope, the was the sound of metal clattering.

Ratchet: ( looks up from the microscope) What?

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