Chapter 16: Your not okay

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Felix's response was laced with defiance, his voice slurred from the whiskey he was drowning himself in. "So what? It's my house," he retorted, his words dripping with a bitter edge.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness for my sister, who also called this place home. "My sister stays here too, Felix. I don't want to expose her to this second-hand smoke," I asserted, hoping to reach him through the haze of his own vices.

With a dismissive scoff, he brushed off my concerns, seemingly unaffected by the potential harm his actions could cause.

"Of course, you're worried about your damn sister," he whispers, his voice laced with frustration, as he impatiently pushes his tousled hair back. The intensity in his eyes is palpable, revealing a deep inner turmoil that cannot be ignored. "Can't you see that I'm not alright?" he pleads, his voice cracking with vulnerability.

As he turns around to face him, the full extent of his physicality becomes apparent. His sculpted body exudes strength and power, each muscle defined and chiseled to perfection. The sight of his remarkable physique leaves me in awe, unable to contain a sigh of admiration. How is it possible for one person to possess such an abundance of abs, all fitting harmoniously on their frame?

Compelled by a strange mix of fascination and curiosity, I take a step closer to him. Our proximity intensifies the connection between us, heightening the tension in the air. I find myself entranced by his piercing blue eyes, drawn into their depths as if they hold the answers to all my questions.

"You're okay," I say, At that moment, a glint of mischief flickers in my gaze. Slowly, deliberately, I trail the cold, metallic edge of the knife along the contours of his chest, barely touching his skin. The anticipation builds as the blade grazes his flesh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps in its wake. And then, with a swift and decisive motion, I press the knife further, breaking through his skin. A crimson stream of blood trickles out, staining his flawless complexion.

"Now you're not," I whisper, my voice barely audible amidst the rising adrenaline. The words hang in the air, heavy with both menace and triumph.

I knelt down, my eyes fixed on the cut I had just made on his chiseled abs, my heart racing with anticipation. With a mix of tenderness and desire, I pressed my lips against the wound, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. As I kissed him, our eyes locked, his deep blue gaze piercing through my soul.

My hands eagerly unfastened the buckle of his belt, their nimble fingers pulling it apart with a resounding click. As the leather strap slipped free from its loops, a rush of anticipation coursed through me, knowing that what lay beneath was a secret waiting to be unveiled.

With a gentle tug, my hands moved to the button of his pants, teasingly undoing it one satisfying click at a time.

As the button surrendered, my fingers traced the shallow groove of the zipper, feeling the cool metal against my skin.

In one swift motion, the zipper was lowered, and the fabric of his pants succumbed to gravity's pull. With a soft thud, they pooled around his feet, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his cock.

I savored the indulgent delight of his long, thick cock  as it tantalizingly made its way into my mouth. With each delectable lick, I could feel the creamy goodness gliding down my throat, leaving a refreshing trail of icy sweetness in its wake.

Overwhelmed by the intense pleasure, I instinctively squeezed my eyes shut, savoring every moment of this sensory experience. My hands gripped his thighs.

In the heat of the moment, the relentless cycle continued, seemingly stretching on for an eternity. With an overpowering force, he forcefully pushed my head deeper into the abyss, coercing me to consume every last drop of his cum.

The sensation was overwhelming and drowning my protests, my senses drowning in a sea of creamy liquid.

Just when I thought I couldn't take it any longer, he abruptly yanked my head back, freeing me from the clutches of the cum-filled abyss. As I staggered to regain my balance, his piercing gaze bore into me, his intentions unsettlingly clear.

With a menacing grin, he brandished a knife, its cold metallic glint sending a shiver down my spine. With expert precision, he delicately wiped away the remnants of cum that clung to the corners of my trembling lips.

But instead of providing relief, the blade left behind a trail of tiny, stinging cuts, The crimson droplets mingled with the remnants of his cum, serving as a macabre and our mix to each other- My blood and his cum

The contrast between the soothing coolness of his cum and the painful sting of the knife created a paradoxical symphony of sensations, leaving me both bewildered and captivated by the precarious dance between pleasure and pain.


He forcefully shoved me onto the bed, causing my body to collide with the soft mattress. I lay there, vulnerable and exposed, as he positioned himself on top of me. With a cruel glint in his eyes, he seized the knife.

In one swift motion, he dragged the blade across my shirt, tearing it apart and leaving a bloody trail along my chest. The pain seared through my body, making my muscles tense and my fists clench tightly.

As the fabric slipped from my shoulders, a rush of anticipation coursed through my veins, electrifying every inch of my being.

With a newfound boldness, his touch traced the contours of my body, igniting a fiery desire that consumed us both.

As our lips collided in a passionate embrace, his hands moved lower, teasingly unfastening the button of my pants. The sound of the zipper echoed in the air,

In an instant, my pants joined the discarded pile of clothing, leaving me vulnerable and exposed to his hungry gaze.

His fingers plunged into my gaping hole, his grip tightening as the knife danced across my torso with a delicate yet forceful touch.

Each stroke of the blade left behind a trail of searing pain, etching its mark deep into my flesh. The sensation was a twisted symphony of agony, the juxtaposition of lightness and depth serving as a cruel reminder of the brutality unfolding before me.

His piercing gaze locked onto me, sending a chill down my spine. In a mischievous tone, he whispered,

"Imagine if I delicately placed the tip of this knife on your nipple. Would you dare to believe it could draw blood?" A sinister smirk crept across his face as he wasted no time to put his theory to the test.

With a swift motion, he pressed the knife against my point, and, crimson droplets began to trickle down,

His lips eagerly savored my bleeding nipple, the vibrant hue staining his mouth in a mischievous display. The redness, like a rogue artist, smeared playfully around his lips, leaving a captivating mark that drew my gaze.

He withdrew his fingers and replaced them with something much larger.

"Wait," I interject, my voice cutting through the charged air. He pauses, his eyes narrowing in curiosity.

"What is it?" he asks, his tone laced with anticipation.

I gather my courage, feeling the weight of the moment. "I believe it should be me," I say, my voice laced with a mixture of confidence and vulnerability. "I should be the one to intimately connect with you... to bring you pleasure. After all, I have... more experience" The words stumble out, clumsily attempting to convey my desire.

A mischievous smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he takes in my audacity. His eyes flicker with a mixture of surprise and amusement as if he hadn't expected such a bold proposition.

But then, his smile fades, replaced by a look of controlled intensity. "Shut the fuck up," he says, his voice a low growl.


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