Chapter 14: Clothes

Start from the beginning

his gaze locked with mine, I couldn't help but notice the mysterious box he carried in his hands. He settled himself beside me, the memory of his previous violent act momentarily forgotten, as if he hadn't once shoved a gun down my throat.

His voice, tinged with a mix of concern and curiosity, broke the silence, "You've been crying." With gentle precision, he removed my eyepatch, exposing my vulnerability to the world.

I remained silent, refusing to acknowledge him or the fear that gnawed at my core. But he was relentless, deliberately positioning himself within my line of sight, his eyes boring into mine, daring me to confront him.

And as a disconcerting smile played upon his lips, he posed a question that sent a shiver down my spine, "Are you scared of me?"

"No," I hiss, my annoyance seeping through my voice as I feel a surge of anger course through my veins.

He reaches out to wipe the blood from my eye socket, and as his touch brushes against my skin, a strange mix of relief and confusion floods over me. My eye begins to feel better, but my mind is still reeling from the chaos that has unfolded.

"Why are you doing this?" I manage to mutter, my voice laced with a hint of desperation.

"Care to be more specific, love?" he asks, his tone laced with a mix of curiosity and amusement, as if he's enjoying this twisted dance we find ourselves in.

"You took my sister to school, you are helping me even though I tried to kill you," I say, my words hanging heavy in the air, filled with a mix of betrayal and confusion.

"You looked like you needed some rest, so I didn't wake you," he explains calmly, his words soothing yet haunting.

As he gently stitches my eye, waves of pain shoot through my body, causing me to grip the bed sheets tightly. His touch is both tender and agonizing, a paradox that mirrors the complexity of our relationship. "And," he continues, his voice trailing off as he starts wrapping a bandage around my head, "I tried to kill you, so that's fair."

A surge of guilt washes over me as his words settle in my mind. "But, I didn't... I didn't even hurt you," I stammer, my voice barely audible amidst the chaos of our emotions.

"You did hurt me," he corrects, his voice firm yet filled with a hint of vulnerability. He raises his index finger, gently pressing it against my trembling lips, silencing my protests. "I thought you were enjoying our kiss, but it seemed like I was wrong. Now that hurt," he whispers, his words piercing through the silence, leaving me speechless.

In that moment, as the bandage tightens around my head

"Do...Do you want to come to school with me...again?" His voice trembled, his hands now hanging limply at his sides. My heart skipped a beat as I felt a rush of excitement mixed with nervousness.

"Y-yes," I stammered, my voice barely audible. A small smile formed on his lips, like a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

"You should get in the shower and change your clothes," he suggested, stepping away from the bed. "I'll have my maid prepare something for you." With those words, he left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hesitantly rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. As I entered,

I was captivated by the black-themed decor and the sleek glass showers that reflected the dim light. I slowly undressed, feeling a mix of anticipation and vulnerability.

Turning on the shower, I watched as the steam billowed up, creating a mystical atmosphere.

The warmth enveloped me like a comforting embrace, sending shivers down my spine. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, having always taken cold showers.

After a few moments, I stepped into the welcoming cascade of hot water. It was as if every droplet was washing away my worries and insecurities.

I reached for the body wash and lathered myself, relishing in the luxurious feeling on my skin. Time seemed to slip away as I lost myself in the soothing rhythm of the water.

Finally, after what felt like an hour of pure bliss, I emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. As I opened the closet door, an overwhelming sight greeted me.

The space was massive, filled with racks of designer clothes and shelves lined with shoes, resembling a high-end boutique.

I couldn't help but marvel at Felix's hoarding tendencies. It was as if he had collected every fashionable item known to man. Feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation,

I selected a bold blue jacket, a hot pink oversized shirt, and a pair of green baggy pants. I even found a hat that perfectly complemented the ensemble.

My excitement grew as I rummaged through the accessories. I adorned myself with diamond chains and rings, adding a touch of glamour to my appearance. Then, I slipped on a pair of stylish shades, completing the look.

Suddenly, the closet door swung open, causing my heart to skip a beat. Emerging from the darkness was Felix, his presence filling the confined space. His eyes locked onto mine, a hint of awkwardness lingering in his gaze.

"Uh," he stammered, his lips parting as if to find the right words. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his scrutiny. My outfit was a mess, a hodgepodge of mismatched pieces that screamed fashion disaster.

"Do you need help?" he offered, his voice a mix of concern and amusement.

"Y-yeah," I managed to mumble, my voice barely audible. A nervous tremor coursed through me as he chuckled softly, his eyes scanning the chaotic array of clothes. With a deliberate gesture, he selected a sleek leather jacket, black pants, and a shirt, before reaching for a pair of blinding white shoes - those iconic space-like Air Forces.

"You'll look good in black," he commented, his voice oozing with confidence. "It compliments your hair." His eyes darted to the bags under my eyes, a subtle reminder of my sleepless nights. "Try to get more sleep," he advised, his words both gentle and genuine.

Leaving me alone in the dimly-lit closet, he gave me space to change into the new ensemble. As I slipped into the black attire,

I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Felix's attention to detail and his thoughtful gestures had ignited a newfound confidence within me.

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