Re (Arc 2): My Heart Beats For You

Start from the beginning

Jian Simo also did not disappoint him. At fifteen, he began to participate in company affairs; by eighteen, he could already take charge of a section by himself. The reason Jian Chenfeng adopted Jian Simo at first was because his features were forty to fifty percent similar to Yumo. Gradually, Jian Simo resembled Jian Chenfeng more and more as he grew up. They weren't similar in appearance, but their personalities bore a striking resemblance as they each sported a frozen face that easily alienated others.

Perhaps it was because he felt that he was raising him askew but, Jian Chenfeng, by the time he turned forty-five, no longer stayed so close to him. Besides having to work together, they rarely had any more interactions.

This year, Jian Xin successfully gave birth to twins using in vitro fertilization. Jian Family's father and mother immediately put their utmost efforts into raising those twins. In contrast, they had never liked Jian Simo much, because even though he was very outstanding, he was not their blood relative.

Jian Simo had believed that he would someday need to give way to Jian Xin's children and did not plan to resist. He merely concentrated on working, accumulating experience and making adequate preparations for his own future.

However, he never expected that his foster father who was always so cold to him would sign his name onto his will with zero hesitation before passing away.

The moment he stopped breathing, a serene and relieved smile appeared on Jian Chenfeng's face. Jian Simo's eyes immediately filled with tears at the sight. In his memories, his foster father had never smiled and had always been working tediously every day. He had believed that his foster father did not know how to enjoy life, but only now did he discover that in the past, he had only treated life as an unavoidable responsibility.

His happiness no longer existed in the human world.


Shang Ke opened his eyes with great effort. The light coming from above his head flickered intermittently as a shadow flitted about close by. He could hear a slightly trembling voice, but it was very faint and difficult to decipher, like it came from a distance.

Within his fuzzy mind, Shang Ke's consciousness submerged into the darkness once more...

"The operation was very successful, please do not worry Mr. Jiang."

"Don't worry? It's been a month already, how could I not worry?"

"Young Master Jiang has gone through two surgeries in a row. Inevitably, his body will be weak and show some signs of rejection. So, please don't worry too much, Mr. Jiang. Young Master Jiang will get better."


Just then, Shang Ke let out a low groan and slowly opened his eyes, the brightness of the light causing him to squint.

"Yumo!" Jiang Song rushed to the bed, pleasant surprise flooding his features. "You're awake!"

After adapting to the light, Shang Ke could finally see the world. He was in a patient ward and Jiang Song, Jiang Yumo's father, was by his bedside.

Shang Ke could not determine what timeframe he had returned to. The only certainty he had was that he was alive again, back in the world where Jian Chenfeng lived.

A few days later, Shang Ke had more or less deciphered his current situation. He had gone back to the time when Jian Xin had chased after Jiang Donglin while he had run out in pursuit. Later, he was seriously injured from saving Jian Xin and was sent to the operating room for emergency treatment. However, the events this time around were a little different. He had gone after Jian Xin like before, but Jian Chenfeng made it just in time to save them. He'd arrived just before they rushed into the middle of the road and prevented the tragedy from happening.

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