Arc 8: Covenantor (XIII)

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Shang Ke officially took over the Yue Family business. After repeated setbacks at the hands of Lu Xiufan, no one dared to fight Shang Ke for the position for fear of further delay in business.

Lu Xiufan was originally prepared to support him, sparing no effort to help him clean up and sort out the Yue Family's business. However, Shang Ke's ability and actions once more exceeded his expectations. For Yue Family to establish a presence, the first thing he did was to employ a large number of covenantors.

Before this, Shang Ke had been continuously gathering information, focusing especially on finding out more about covenantors. They lacked emotions but had strong principles, were steadfast in commitment to their work contract, were highly productive and weren't driven by self interests. Of course, the degree of their capabilities and expertise varied. The first batch of covenantors that Shang Ke employed were at least two stars. They possessed certain basic knowledge and were able to accomplish any task that did not require specialized skills.

Currently, Yue Family's position was still unstable and not many people were willing to help Shang Ke. Since that was the case, Shang Ke employed only covenantors. Like this, he more or less sorted out the family business, then started to deal with matters according to priority.

He completely disregarded criticisms from other people and ignored their petty, hypocritical actions. To those who couldn't accept his way of doing things, he only had one thing to say; 'F*** off'. He abandoned some of the more unprofitable businesses without the slightest hesitation and changed the organizational structure of the business from top to bottom, concentrating his efforts on important matters.

Quickly, the covenantors under his employ became his most reliable and efficient executors of duty—no one was more loyal to their duties or clear on the line of reward and punishment than them. Although their relentless modus operandi was offensive to those who wished to take advantage of the business' suffering position to laze in their duties, the truly talented and dedicated workers soon began to show their support of the covenantors. They provided a simple and free working environment without personal conflict of any kind, allowing non-Covenantor workers to do their jobs in peace.

This way of doing this further shrunk the family property, by at least another fifth. This dramatic shrinkage in goods and chattels frightened the other Yue family members, but they dared not revolt or criticize Shang Ke for his decisions. As a Covenantor, he didn't bother to take heed of their complaints in the first place.

The way he handled family affairs was like removing tumors; he cut them off efficiently and without hesitation, without care for short term pains. In his opinion, even if Yue Family had only a single company remaining in the end, it would not affect his mission. So the things that other people would not dare to do; he dared to do them all, and even did so beautifully.

As the first to employ so many convenantors, even placing them in important positions, he gave rise to excitement that swept throughout the entire Empire. Even Lu Xiufan was a bit shocked.

Just as everyone was waiting for this covenantor to fully throw down Yue Family into destruction, he began slowly recovering them from their decline. From chaos to steadiness, from deficit to profit. Step by step they were dragged back onto the right track. Very soon, people began to notice that the covenantors' working ability very much above the average. They had a very strong sense of time, that is, they were never late or early. Even when their individual skills were a bit lacking, they would diligently learn and adjust their education to suit their employer's need. They did not embezzle, accept bribes or do things for private reasons, nor did they complain or hold grudges. They abided strictly by the rules and were fair and just.

Most likened them to robots but never truly realized their value. In the past several hundred years, who knows just how many capable and outstanding covenantors were treated as servants, wasting the flames of their short lives.

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