Chapter Five

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When Lucy woke up the next morning she was still on edge. She had told Tamara to stay at a friend's in case Tim was right and their apartment was no longer safe. Against her better judgment, she kept her gun next to her. It had been some of the most restless sleep she had ever endured.

Lucy arrived at the station later than usual but still with enough time to make it to roll call. The three cups of coffee she had already consumed were not helping either.

"Hey, Lucy." Nolan appeared next to her.

"Hi." Lucy responded, an exhausted, verging on annoyed tone to her voice.

Nolan paused, his hand on the back of his chair. "Is everything... okay?" He was clearly gauging if he wanted to sit down or not.

Lucy looked up and him, her face softening slightly. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't sleep all that well last night."

"Ohhh. I get it, one of those nights. Would you like me to drive today?" Nolan had sat down now, sensing he was in the clear.

"Yes, please." Lucy let out a relieved sigh.

The surrounding conversations died down as Grey walked into the room. "Alright team, as usual night shift decided to be sorry excuses of law enforcement. That being said we have a lot of cases to take care of." Grey flipped a page on his note pad. "Alright. Sergeant Bradford is in court today which means I will be the only field supervisor. Please take this into account while on your routes today. Chen, Nolan. You get Darla Folgar. Her roommate, Katie Murkov reported her missing last night. Go, find out if it's really a missing persons or just a crazy night out. Thorsen, you have a noise complaint on a house that has reoccurring domestic calls. Be careful. Smitty..."

"You know, I'm really not feeling all that well today boss man. Maybe you should just send me home? I'm sure the night shift cases can be handled without my expertise." Smitty's mawkish voice rang out.

"Well then," Grey deadpanned. "I hope you start feeling better on desk duty."

A chorus of snickers flooded the room before Grey silenced everyone again. He then continued to read off the rest of the assignments. Once he had given the last officer their task the room was dismissed.

"So, why the restless night?" Nolan and Lucy were at the kit room getting their war bags.

"It's probably nothing." Lucy responded dismissively.

Nolan gave her a disbelieving glare.

"Okay, okay fine. I broke up with Chris last night."

"Wait really? Why? I thought we liked Chris." Nolan had his signature clueless expression on his face with one eyebrow raised.

Lucy smiled fondly at Nolan's use of we. "Yeah, I thought so too. He just... crossed a line he can't come back from."

"And what line was that?" Nolan pressed on.

Lucy knew there was no avoiding this. Nolan would spend all day giving her pointless advice if she didn't just tell him what happened.

Lucy turned around and started heading towards their shop. "He invalidated everything that happened with Caleb. The abduction itself and then everything I've felt and dealt with after as well." Lucy's voice was soft and broken again. Just like it had been last night, with Tim.

"What do you mean?" Nolan's blasé demeanor changed to complete seriousness. "Did he do something?"

Lucy threw her bag in the back of the shop. "He was singing the song that I..." Lucy glanced at Nolan. "That I sang in the barrel... as I died. He watched the video for the trial, without telling me. I understand why he had to watch it, you know it makes sense. I just don't understand why one, he didn't tell me and two, why he was so unbothered by it. Anyway, the song must have gotten stuck in his head. I'm sure he sang the song subconsciously. It's everything that happened afterwards that was the problem."

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