Chapter Three

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A loud pounding on the door caused Tim and Lucy to jump back from each other. Lucy instinctively reached for her hip.


"Chris..." Lucy's voice was quiet.

"Lucy, come on I know you're in there. Talk to me." Chris pounded on the door again.

"Luce," Tim was calm. "You don't have to talk to him if you don't feel comfortable."

"No, I-it's fine. Can you go in my room though? I don't want him to know you're here, but it would make me feel safer."

"Yeah, of course."

"Lucy! Come on, please!" Desperation filled Chris' voice."

Tim grabbed Lucy's hand. "If I think he's getting dangerous, I'm coming out."

Lucy nodded, "Yeah, okay."

Tim gave her hand a squeeze then went into her room and closed the door to a crack.

Lucy watched Tim until he disappeared then shifted her focus to the front door. "Okay..." Lucy took a deep breath, then went to open the front door.

"Oh thank god." Chris barged into the apartment. "I thought you were just going to leave me out there. We need to talk."

"Chris-" Lucy began but was immediately cut off.

"No." Chris' voice was firm. "I let you have your way this morning when you walked away from me. It's my turn to talk."

Lucy took a step back from him, she had never heard him sound this way and it was making her feel uneasy.

"Listen, I get it, okay? You went through this horrible thing, but it's been what? A year? You should be better by now. You majored in psychology, your parents are therapists for crying out loud! You have all these outlets and yet you still get upset with me for doing my job?" Chris' voice was getting louder and more agitated with ever statement.

"What do you mean I should be over it by now?" It was Lucy's turn to sound angry. "Chris, I was buried alive. I have my day of death etched into my skin. When was the last time you went on a date that ended with you suffocating underground?"

"Lucy co-" Chris was getting frustrated.

"No! You cannot tell me when I am supposed to be over the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me!"

"You should though." Chris' voice was calm again. The stillness caused the hair on Lucy's body to stand on end. "You should consider yourself lucky that it was just Caleb that took you." Chris took a step towards her. "You know why?" He continued his slow walk towards her. "Because if it was Rosalind doing her own work, you would for sure be dead right now."

Lucy watched Chris in horror. This was not the man she had been with for the past few months. This man had soulless eyes and a merciless tone.

"Get out, we're over." Lucy was actually amazed by how strong she sounded, especially since she wanted to melt into a puddle.

"Oh my sweet Lucy," Chris trailed his fingers down the side of her face, he then leaned in and whispered in her ear. "We're just getting started." He then backed away, gave her an awful smile, and headed towards the door. "I'll see you soon Lucy, tell Tim I said goodbye as well."

And then he was gone.

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