"Vampire dust isn't really vampire dust is it?" Ron asked trying to make conversation.

"Of course not."
She said.
"It's just from vampire bats. Now hand me the snakes venom."

Still uncomfortable with anything to do with snakes, Ron quickly picked up the vial of blue venom and tossed it to Pansy, which landed on the ground, shattering. She looked at him with an annoyed and tired look. They both had worked pretty hard and each wanted to get some sleep.

"You know what, just ask Slughorn if he has any extra tomorrow, I think we've got to a good stopping point." She said setting the directions down.
Ron started to get up when Pansy stopped him, handed him his bag he left on the chair, and shut the door right after he left.

'Was Hermione right? Do Slytherins actually have hearts?'


"I really should get going Malfoy, it's getting pretty late."
Hermione said standing up from the couch. She stretched her arms above her head and moved her legs, stiff from sitting so long. 

"She probably has to get to her room before Weasley comes in accusing me of kidnapping his precious little girlfriend."
Draco thought selfishly to himself. He knew Hermione knew that it was past 10:30. Ron was probably waiting for her outside right now, listening for any signs of danger so that he could barge in and save the day, making Draco look like the monster he makes him and all the other Slytherins out to be.

"I think we've gotten pretty far with the project. We can take a break and continue another time."

He just nodded and got up from the couch, not touching the ingredients on the table.

"When are we going to finish this project? I'm tired of all this work."
He said following behind her to the door.

"If you don't work for the things in life, you'll never get them."
She said with bright eyes. She opened the door and sure enough, Ron was right in Hermione's face with his hand curled up in a ball, about to knock on the door.

"Oh, Hermione. I was starting to get a little nervous."
Ron said looking down.

"Oh bloody hell why does she fall for that bullshit."
Draco thought putting his hands in his pockets, wanting to say something smart, but kept quiet.

"I told you Ron, I can take care of myself. I don't need you protecting me everywhere I go." She said stepping out of Draco's room and into the quiet hallway.

"I'll talk to you later about the project Malfoy."
She said turning towards him, looking at him through the open door, almost forgetting he was there.

"Ok Granger, hope you had fun tonight."
He said with a smirk. His smirk grew even wider when he saw Ron flush with anger and Hermione blush a bright pink. Before the couple could do anything to hurt him, he shut the door and locked it from the inside.
A very confused Ron turned to her.

"What does he mean Hermione? What happened in there?"
He asked walking to his room down the hall.

"Oh Ron, is your skull that thick?"
She answered while smiling.

"He's just saying that to make you mad and get a reaction out of it."
She said stopping at his room.
Ron sighed and cleared his head.

"I know. It just gets me so angry to imagine him doing something to you."
He pulled her into a hug, her head resting on his chest.

"Goodnight love."
He said kissing her head.
Hermione hugged him back and let him get into his room. She walked back down the hallway to find Ginny just leaving Theo's room.

"Ginny! How was it?" She asked.

"It was alright. Theo has quite a sense of humor. I couldn't stop laughing at one point."
Ginny said, smiling genuinely.
"What about you and Malfoy? He didn't cause any trouble did he?"

"No Ginny, don't start acting like Ron now. It was pretty normal. Just two people working on a potions project."

"Don't compare me to Ron. We may me siblings but I'm clearly the better one."
She said laughing.

Hermione and Ginny kept talking before Ginny walked to her room. Hermione unlocked her door, about to put down her bag when she realized it was next to the couch in Malfoy's room. It had all of her parchment, quills and ink, books and even her personal copy of Hogwarts, a History. She couldn't lose that. She stepped outside her room and shut the door, taking only two steps before she was in front of Malfoy's door again. She knocked a few times before calling out.

"Malfoy? It's Hermione. I left my bag in your room. Can you open the door?"
She got no answer. She sighed and decided to lean her ear on the door to see if she could hear something.

"He could just be ignoring me on purpose. Or he could have gone to sleep. It isn't ease dropping if I have a good reason for it. It's not like he's shagging someone in there and I'm just some lonely pervert listening in on it."
Hermione thought to herself, trying to convince herself that Malfoy was juts playing a trick on her and that she would get her bag back tomorrow. She moved her hair aside from her ear and listened inside the room. She didn't hear a single sound. She felt more relaxed when she didn't hear any laughing on the other side of the door, laughing at her stupidity, thinking she would actually get her bag back. She did hear however, the sound of running water.

"Damn. He must be in the shower. It'll probably take him at least 10 minutes just to do his hair."
Hermione sighed and took her ear off of the door. She decided she would wait a few more minutes to see if Draco would come out after his shower. She sat with her back against his door and leaned her head back against it and closed her eyes, breathing deeply and thinking of being on a beach somewhere, where no one else was there to bother. She could almost feel the sand in between her toes, and hear the sound of the waves crashing, and smell the salty sea air.
Hermione almost drifted off the sleep when the door was flung open. Her eyes snapped open as she fell on the floor of Draco's room on her back. Looking up at him with only a towel on his waist and the water dripping down his hair and chest.

Hermione scrambled to get up and tried to avoid looking at him.

"Thought I heard someone knocking. Just thought it was Theo's headboard banging against the wall again."
He said smirking.

Hermione looked up at him with pure disgust, which made him smile and laugh. She had never seen him smile before, let alone laugh. His laugh was rich and it made her relax.

"I'm here for my bag Malfoy."
She said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Ah I see Granger. Your "bag". You just couldn't wait to see me until tomorrow, couldn't you?"
He said smirking again.

Hermione rolled her eyes.
"No Malfoy, I just want my bag. It has all my books in it and I would like to have it back."

"If you know where you left it, by all means do get your precious bag."
He said opening the door wider. He turned his back to her and walked away to his room. Hermione was relieved when she saw her bag was still in the same spot she left it. She grabbed it and left Draco's room without another word or even a goodbye. Something about him just made her want to argue all day with him. He got on every single nerve she had left in her body, and frankly, she quiet enjoyed it.
Yay for updates! Thanks for reading and I'll update soooooon! :)

Green is the opposite of Red. (A Dramonie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now