Chapter 26: Lost Boy

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Cause a one in a million chance is still a chance and I would take those odds.

My vision is blurry, can't tell if it is the fog and droplets of water over the dirt or perhaps just the rest of this, whatever I could call this nonsense.

Save my man. It's what Micheal said but is there a truth lying there. I honestly cannot see it clearly, doubt many can. Is he 'my man' or is he just a fraction of cruelty that the world presents you with which you can only yearn for and never have. Can I ever have Landon?

"It's raining." the smoke leaves Alena's lungs and lips as she breathes out and she puts out the cigarette on the wall, the same way those, sad to look, at teenagares do. "I was hoping it would be sunny."

"Why is that?" I didn't really care, it just seemed like an autopilot to ask it, but the answer shouldn't have made me sick as it has.

"I wanted God to smile at us once that rat was put down."

She always had many words, but never much to say with them.

"Don't worry." I open my mouth, words dry as this ground once was. "After all it was the flood that killed everyone in Genesis."

She hummed, or laughed, I don't bother to remember as all I could think of was the ignorance or even stupidity that she was too blind to see. I could suggest changing the dioptre, but she won't be needing clear sight in the distance for where she's headed.

We were waiting for him of course.

An execution is in an hour.

Almost as long as the verbal torture session I had to endure as she found out he was placed in the local jail instead of high secured prison. I held my tongue and lied, he was not going anywhere, I calmed her down, he was in safe hands, I prayed she wouldn't read between the lines.

She is tapping her leg on the floor, slowly losing it.

I'm aching to tell her to stop, otherwise I would dislocate her leg from her hip, but soon enough the car engine is being heard along with the brakes.

Seven black SUVs with tinted glass parked in there and I didn't even have energy to comment on a complete overreaction on the security. and for a long minute I wish I believed in the One above and prayed that he listened to me, or not even listen, just did it out of spite, just for him not to be there.

But all those hopes were drained down these muddy waters as his frame was dragged out of the car.

I didn't look at him, and the myth, you can feel when someone is watching you, was either a lie or he neither looked at me.

"Landon, Landon." Brooks laughs. "How are we feeling?"

He doesn't reply and we don't wait. The world doesn't wait and I wish it would. I would beg the world to wait sometimes, but nobody would listen.

The halls are longer than the fate which waits for us on the other side, I know, I walked down each one of them seven times before this moment came. Even the guards started giving me odd looks once I paced down it all for the fourth time but the caffeine in body helped me just not give fuck about it all.

I think it's all I have been living for these past two days. I have not slept, even she noticed it and the taunting and threats would most likely continue if I didn't state my wants right away.

She listened. I knew she would, he is her weak spot after all.

Alena clapping her hands was a cue on my part as I blink away the blurry world from my eyes and turn to them. The dark green, almost military, iron doors were being opened as she smiled broadly.

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