Chapter 17: Forbidden Fruit

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As much as it seems like you own my heart, it's astronomy, we're two worlds apart.

You know the taste of sneaking out of the house just out of spite of your parents forbidding you. You would claim that the party is the real reason you do it, but the rush that goes through your mind when you know the rule is broken by you and nothing or no one can stomp over it feels unbeatable.

Some rules really are there to be broken.

Some boundaries are there to be tested.

Some wrongs are there to be tried.

Landon is wrong. He is malicious and dangerous, surrounded wrong which will never bring anything good for my life or future.

He is a plague which a person should avoid with a large step to the side. Not by having your hands around his neck.

Some people do wrong things because they were never taught how bad they were.

I had long lessons about it. Some from childhood, then later on through years of teenage era, then all the way through in detail explained education through my job. Maybe I did it because I was sick and tired of listening to how to be perfect and wanted to break the cycle.

Or maybe because I just had to escape the cycle of lies and pretend.

The kiss is hungry and long awaited.

It shouldn't be hard to imagine connecting lips which you missed for years, still dreaming about them every lonely night. Thinking, will it ever be the same.

It's not the same, but it's close enough.

It could never be the same, because we don't share sweetness as the regular night thing. Now it feels forbidden, as a secret promise to keep it for just now till the morning rises.

Until reality hits us.

It's not the same because there is no lie between his cold and my dry lips.

They feel like an ocean, while it wets the dry shore belonging to me as he pushes us together. Bodies are clamped together when he pulls our lips apart.

I don't let him have much air, urging us back together so it would distract me from what I am doing.

One of his hands slips down, wrapping itself around my whole waist when it pulls me up to stand on my tiptoes when he pushes down roughly on my mouth.

There is a whine in my throat, not listening to my thoughts as it passes through as he uses his other hand to move my face around as he wishes. Currently he has his head tilted to the side, biting down on my lip with lust.

He holds me as if I'm threatening to disappear into thin air.

The trail of saliva follows between us when he pulls away, this time he prevents me from chasing after his lips.

Each one of us is trying to catch some breath while the clock ticks. His breath is hot on my skin. "I have almost forgotten how good that feels."

So have I.

My hand grazes over his neck, grabbing the back of his hair as I capture his lips again. My mind is spinning along with the body as he flips us, walking us to whichever direction there is because I cannot focus on the surroundings right now.

My back hits the wall, his hand protecting the back of my head from the pound when he nibs lower lip and pulls it back as we seperate. The groan is leaving my lips as he places his head right next to mine. Our cheeks glued together as he keeps his forehead on the wall, on what now that I have opened my eyes I can recognise as a pillar separating living room from kitchen.

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