Chapter 6: Dog Is Man's Enemy

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I stay up all night, tell myself I'm alright. Baby, you're just harder to see

It should be strange for a dog to bark all night long, most of them do especially when they feel unwanted. Call it separation anxiety sometimes, or simply overly spoiled animals desperate for attention and childish play.

Unless it's like a distant person on the street. Then the dog is quiet, barely making any noise or harsh movement, only settling in for alone time with an owner, enjoying being patted over the ears and top of the nose.

Whichever it is, neither is strange even in the middle of the night.

What could be classified as strange is whimpering and whining as his paws are engraving scratches over the glass doors meeting the fire stairs.

It's not heard at first, mostly muffled by the heat clouded walls. It started snowing again a couple of hours ago, yet my usual habit of barely hearing anything outside distdubed when I limped out of bed and headed to the living room.

Speaking of the room position, it might have just saved my life.

Usually when you wake up in the middle of the night, you don't think anybody else could enter your apartment. Maybe that's everyone's mistake.

You should always think someone is there, just to be prepared.

As soon as my heart peers out of the hallway, the dog has his tongue out while wiggling his head from side to side, while the shadow stays on the outside.

Perfect way to start Christmas.

I don't panic, only retreat myself into the safe space of the room. The shadow of a man seems to be having some tools for picking the lock on the door. Pulling my pillow to the side, a gun awaits there, loaded as I grasp it in my arm.

Even if the weapon allows me leverage, there's still an issue of the dog being there. I don't think much, but it's needless. The animal did not show any negative feelings towards the intruder, which could only mean it knows them.

I suppose I should have listened to ugly old man and let the shelter take it.

Betrayed by dog. That's a new one.

I don't dwell much on it, partially putting it away when I leave the room, silent steps when I hear louder ones. They already came inside.

Sealing my lips, my body goes behind the hallway entry closet in the almost exact moment as the stranger's face looks over the dark void of the hallway.

Dog is heard slapping his tail around while I keep my breath in, waiting for steps to leave. It doesn't pass long before they do and my silent steps follow through the darkness. It may be luck, or this man is very obviously stupid, but manage to sneak behind him and let myself drop on the floor, body flushed with the lower cabinet in the kitchen.

I should have chosen my chance to shoot him on the spot, I mean the law couldn't do anything about it when those are the rules. But it would create noise, involve police, possibly break my cover and simply I would have to take down the dog along with the owner.

I'm not so keen on killing the poor animal.

Taming it sounds better, so as I bent my back the bowl where earlier it's food was served, some of it is still left as I move my head slightly back, spotting them both. The stranger is holding my clock in his hand, opening the back of it as he tries to work out his way.

Bugging my apartment. Really.

The dog is walking around, sniffing things when it hits me. Of course he would be with him, they are search dogs after all.

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