Chapter 5: Past Doesn't Let Go

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Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame. Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned.

How does a mother react to her child being taken away?

It always depends on a person, the situation and a child itself. Sometimes there is screaming and pulling through the hands of agents, other times the child cannot wait to step through those doors. I suppose the situations where neither react abruptly and suffer in silence are the worst in any scenario. I know these sorts of situations all too well, yet never this close to me.

Caitlin was rarely an emotional type of person, but hearing those words from me didn't register in her brain until I already left the room. Then the chaos went down the waterfall of shouting, begging and screaming in agony as her senses to attack only made her look like a wild stray cat.

She should know what it feels like.

Thankfully Leah was far away not to be awakened by that. Liliah that has been guarding all this time had a confused expression on her face when she saw mine, which soon turned into worry when she heard her girlfriend. Letting her run away to be her princess in shining armor, I leaned down, placing one long drawn out kiss to Leah's forehead.

As I said, Caitlin was never an emotional person, neither was I. Micheal, our brother, is the one of the kids who took that job, but still settled and kept in the place as much as me and her were. Always the golden children.

I doubt my parents even know what golder child is, but I do. Leah is most definitely one, if not for others, then for me.

Now it could be months, maybe even years before I see her again.

"I'm sorry princess." I whisper, pulling away with a heavy heart and light body. My words have to be quiet, for my voice to stay steady and her not waking up. I couldn't deal with saying goodbye to her.

I only wish they find the courage to tell her what is really happening after she is done with her holiday. I wouldn't want her to stand away from the fun by my actions. Many wrong things have been influenced by my actions. Miles Nelson, the first and largest example. Now, Henry Stewart, mistakes just waiting to be let out of the box and hopefully the last and smallest.

Madison, Wisconsin, small city on the lakes. It wasn't my choice, and nobody besides Zach Miller, the man driving me, and Alena Brooks, my director, knows where I am heading. All the devices, personal documents are safely kept back in the Bureau while the new identity is waiting for me on the fifth floor of an older building, looking over Lake Monona.

Decembar is a cold month anywhere, especially this far north. The lake is fully frozen when I glance past it while walking upstairs. The heavy suitcase is in my hands when I enter the elevator, then my new home. It's nothing strange, a merged living room with dining table and the kitchen in the far corner. One bedroom and bathroom on each side of the hallways after you cross the small hallway. It's modest and peaceful.

And lonely.

I know how these things work. I am not meant to contact anyone from my life and all the information will be delivered to me in secrecy. First three days go past with shadows, the same empty routine while all I can think of is where Leah and Landon are.

It's stupid, just the amouth of how many times have my fingers threatened to call that camp and ask for two minute long conversation with Leah is countless. I don't risk it, leaving the almost unused phone in the country as I sleep. Or try to.

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