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I hummed in satisfaction as I swallowed the last drops of coffee from my mug, washing down my breakfast with a sigh. Derek's schedule had fortunately gone back to normal, but finding activities to do when he was out still remained a challenge. Even with my newly gifted TV privileges, I found that I quickly lost interest if I was by myself, missing Derek's uproarious commentary. Choosing to soak in the bath to kill some time, I picked up a pair of fresh clothes before slipping into the washroom. I paused to inspect my face in the mirror, noting that my tan from the desert was nearly gone now. Out of curiosity, I stuck my tongue out, examining the red gash that divided the muscle in two. It had healed fairly well, considering that it just about needed stitches. Besides the scar having a darker color than the rest of the flesh, it wasn't as noticeable as I thought it would be. 'A tongue piercing would cover this up,' I thought as I traced my finger nail down the disfigurement, 'I should get one done the second I get out.' I suddenly cringed at the thought, the reminder of my situation and salt on the hands leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. But before I could erase the image from my head, the sound of the door unlocking made me jump in surprise. Heavy footsteps echoed as someone walked into the main room, striding with solid, confident steps. It was far too early for Derek to be home, but that didn't stop my heart from quickening with anticipation. "Hey! You're back home...early" I started, swinging the bathroom door open without a second thought. I had no reason to think otherwise. But as I processed the sight before me, my voice trailed to a whisper, an ice cold shiver running down my spine.

It wasn't Derek
It was his father

Our eyes met, and while I desperately wanted to avoid his gaze, I was frozen in place and could do nothing but stare back. "Huh," he finally started, his voice gruff but steady, "I really thought Derek would have killed you by now." The corner of his mouth curled slightly into a light smirk. It was so jarring seeing him like this. Calm and collected. Without Derek. It made my blood run cold. "He's never been good at making his toy's last, ever since he was a child..." he continued, stepping deeper into the room, examining my little corner space. "He breaks things so easily. You must be really special..." I knew he wanted a response, but with my throat closed up in fear, any words I had to share were lost. My ragged breathing hitched as he suddenly stepped towards me, eyeing me up and down like the first time we met. It took all of my power to stand in place as he approached, wanting nothing more than to run and hide. But even in my panicked state, I knew better than to cower at his actions. I was a professional after all. Had to act the part. His hand steadily went to my jaw, ignoring my flinch as he took my face firmly in his grasp. He shifted my head around, inspecting me like an apple he was planning to buy. "I can see why he likes you so much" he leered, hints of cigarettes and bourbon emanating off his breath. I dug my nails into my palms, holding strong against his suffocating presence. "You know...I'm curious to see what you have to offer myself. Do you think he would mind if I borrowed you for a bit?" he asked sarcastically, his voice subdued but dripping with poison. It was obvious that he knew the answer to his own question, but as I saw his eyes gloss over with lust, I realized he didn't care. He looked at me expectantly for a response. I swallowed hard and played along. "I-I don't t-think he w-would" I answered, my voice wavering no matter how hard I tried. Despite my obvious nervousness, he smirked, as if proud of what I said. I cringed as he linked my arm with his, before guiding me out the door. It felt sacrilegious to be doing this, strolling through the hallways without Derek's permission or presence. Just talking to Derek's father without his knowledge felt wrong. Like I was betraying the little trust we had between us. But what could I do? Refusing him would most likely result in the both of us suffering for it. I meekly followed as I was led through the house, scanning my surroundings hurriedly as I was brought into a new area. Turning the corner, he opened an unmarked door, pushing me inside before locking it behind him. I could tell right away that it was an office space, fitted with a solid hardwood desk and bookcase to match. While spacious and designed to have a cozy aura, the windowless, dark room felt overpowering in my situation. I jumped as I felt a hand snake under my shirt, ignoring my shaky gasp as it expertly unclasped my bra. "Haven't felt the touch of a real man in a while, huh?" he whispered into my neck, his light stubble scratching at my skin, "relax and have some fun. I'll take care of you." His reassuring words meant nothing as he bit into my shoulder, sending a whimper through my tense body. His hands tugged at my shirt roughly, unclasping his jaw from my neck just long enough to pull it off of me. I shivered as the cool air and unfamiliar hands ghosted over my breasts, my loose bra falling to the floor. "Still firm" he growled as he groped me hungrily, "so much better than silicone." I trembled in his hold, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide until Derek returned, but with the solid chest pressed against my back, and the confident hand playing with my chest, backing away wasn't an option. I cringed as he ground his hips into mine, his suit going nothing to mask his bound erection. Guiding my hand to his crotch, I reluctantly palmed the stiff fabric, gasping at how big his package felt in my shaky hold. Just as I felt it grow larger at my touches, he forcefully pushed me to my knees, unbuckling his belt the second he got the chance. I winced as he hurriedly pulled out his length, the tip poking my cheek as it sprung forth. My fear peaked as I processed just how big his cock was; just as long as Derek's, but greatly thicker. I unconsciously clench my legs at the sight, already dreading how it would feel inside me. 'Hopefully it wouldn't come to that' I prayed before turning my attention back to my current situation. Rummaging through his suit pockets, the man pulled out a colorful condom, a fruit pattern decorating the metallic wrapper. "As much as I want to feel you raw, I'm not dumb enough to catch something from a whore like you" he sneered, ripping the wrapper in his teeth. He rolled the thin rubber on in one fluid motion, as if he'd done it a million times before, looking at me expectantly once he was done. 'Let's get this over with...' I thought as I squeamishly took the head into my mouth, gagging on the sickeningly sweet cherry flavoring that coated the condom. With a deep breath, I leaned forward, trying my best to relax my gag reflex as I focused on each inch passing my lips. My jaw stretched uncomfortably wide as I accommodated him, already sore before I could start a proper rhythm. With considerable effort, I finally managed to take his cock to the base, the taste of latex assaulting my throat as the flavored coating began to rub off. Tangling his fingers through my hair, he began to thrust into my full mouth, taking his time to fully pull out before slowly sinking back into my less than willing throat. 'God, just hurry up' I thought, just wanting him to cum, get tired, and let me go. But no, he seemed content with his leisurely pace, his eyes shut as he breathed roughly through his nose. With his gaze off me, I chose to focus on his facial features in a desperate attempt to distract myself from the pulsing meat in my mouth. Derek had inherited many of his best features from his father, primarily his sculpted facial structure. High cheek bones kept his aging skin taut, only leaving a few fine wrinkles around the eyes. Streaks of gray ran through his hazel locks, styled perfectly for his age and figure. If his hair was thinning, it wasn't showing in the slightest. A low grumbling moan brought me back to reality, my scalp aching as I was pulled to his fly. The condom warmed disgustingly as it was filled with cum, threatening to drip down my throat. I retched at the sensation of him pulling from my mouth, covering my lips in an attempt to quell my nausea. Derek's father thankfully ignored my gags and gasps, tending to his half hard length and the used condom that encased it. "Well, you're better than my current wife, but you're quite the bore," he voiced, tying off the condom before tossing it in a nearby waste basket. To my horror, he wasted no time in pulling a new wrapper from his suit jacket, rolling on the fresh rubber in a flash. "Your cunt must be to die for if you've managed to keep him interested for this long." Before I could react, he roughly grabbed my arm, dragging me from my knees just to shove me against the mahogany desk. I whimpered as he leaned me over the glossy wood, my nipples hardening as they glided on its cool surface. I knew full well what his intentions were, but not being able to track his movements made my heart pound ever further. Wasting no time, he went straight for my remaining clothing, dropping my pants and underwear to my ankles. I felt his digits prod at my core, bringing my attention to how dry I was. It was impossible he didn't notice this as well, but he paid it no mind, aligning his newly hardened head at my tense folds. My hands found their way to the edge of the desk, gripping it tightly in an attempt to prepare for the pain I knew was coming. But it did nothing to comfort me, emotionally or physically. He took his time sliding into me, as if he was counting the inches as they disappeared into my body. Yet his slow entrance only drew out the horrendous burn that came as my walls tore to fit his girth. My knuckles went white as I held onto the table for dear life, blinking away any tears before they could fully form. The pain was excruciating, somehow even worse than my first time with Derek, but I willed myself to seem at least neutral to the experience. 'Things would only get worse if I fought back now' I reminded myself, pursing my lips in resolve, in spite of the venomous sting that shot through my thighs as he pulled back, only to bury himself inside once more. "Ah! So that's your appeal!" he exclaimed through his clenched teeth, "you're so tight, it almost hurts!" I nearly spat at his statement, biting my lip to the point of drawing blood in an attempt to keep my mouth shut. With a groan, he started an annoyingly slow pace, pulling out with every inhale and pushing in with every exhale. After a few thrusts, my own hot blood improved the glide between us, allowing him to move faster and relieving me from some of the pain. But I couldn't relax. Not with his well groomed nails digging crescent shaped cuts into my hips. "Was I too rough with you?" he asked in a mocking tone, finally taking note of the blood trailing on his length, "I would have thought a prized whore like you could take on a real man any day of the week." He picked up the pace, the sound of slapping flesh drumming against my ears in this small space. "But I suppose we all have our flaws," he continued, pulling me against him by my hair as he pounded mercilessly, "and for someone to end up in this situation, you must have a long list of them. Adding one more wouldn't make a difference..." Pulling my face close to his, he suddenly licked my cheek, making me flinch in disgust, his thrusts not faltering for a second. "Are you grateful?" he questioned darkly, "you should be. You could be god knows where, but you're here. Living in the house I pay for. Enjoying those little presents that he gets you with the allowance I provide. It's all thanks to me." My mind hazed over, becoming numb to his words and harsh thrusts. "I am grateful" I whimpered, just wanting him to leave me alone. He hummed in response, satisfied at my obedience and approaching climax. "That's right.." he moaned, plunging deep into my core as he finished, finally allowing me time to breathe.


I could barely walk as I was led back into the hallway, sweat and blood seeping into my collected clothes. The silence was oppressive as I was guided back through the giant house, the grip on my hand firm, but confident I would follow without any problems. Tired and sore, I was more than ready to curl up in the bathtub with the water running, surrendering myself to the warm waves. To forget about all of this. But the echo of hurried footsteps broke me out of my train of thought, raising my tension as it drew closer and closer. Just as we entered the main area of the house, a figure slid to a halt right before us, chest heaving as they caught their breath. I looked from behind my tormentor's back, a loud gasp leaving my lips as I saw who it was.

It was Derek
Eyes wide and barely processing the sight before him.

Madness for Two (Derek x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now