Chapter 3 - Hey, dad ?

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✍🏻 Author : Hi ! New chapter, new stuff ! So I'm telling you that '(y/nn)' stands for 'your nickname'. Enjoy !

You looked at the clock. It was 6:00 PM. Your father probably left work, and he's on his way home. You thought to yourself :

"Dad's almost home, I'm gonna wait for him."

You got up to sit on the couch. About 10 minutes later, he came back like usual.

"I'm home !"

"Hello, honey !"

"Hi dad."

Dad walked to the kitchen to go kiss mom.

"Hello, Betty."

"How was your day at work, dear ?"

"Good. What are we eating tonight ?"

"Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and peas."

"Nice, I like this", you thought. Dad went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Hello, (y/nn) ! How are you ?"


"Oh, why that ?" He asked, his eyes open wide.

"Nothing, really. It happens..."

"Alright... Have you had a good day ? What did you do today ?"

"I went to the café with Candice. We talked about... Uh well, things."

"Hm..." He hummed, brushing his index against his chin.

You turned your head, gazed at the coffee table and you got lost in your thoughts.

"Hey, (y/n)... is there something wrong ?"

"Well... I have a question, but I'll wait for mom to be there too."

"All... right..."

He shrugged, and probably thought you were acting odd today, by the way. He got up to go take the newspaper and sat back on the couch to read it. You were pouting because you were bored but upset too. You hoped he would accept. Suddenly, mom came out of the kitchen and said :

"(y/n), go set the table, will you ? Dinner's almost ready !"

You got up quietly to go pick up the dishes, then placed them on the table. Mom looked out of the kitchen and grumbled :

"Where's Angela ? Do I really need to call her ??"

"Mom it's okay, I'm gonna go tell her dinner's almost ready..."

"Can you go wake up Robert on the way, please ?"

"Uh-huh..." You mumbled as you were climbing the stairs.

When arriving to your younger sister's room, you knocked on her door.

"Angie ? You should come downstairs, dinner is almost ready."

You heard her voice, muffled behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming !"

You walked to your baby brother's room, opened the door and woke him up softly.

"Wake up, Bobby..."

You gently shook him and he woke up. You then carried him in your arms and went downstairs. Arriving in the dining room, you put him in his high chair. You thought to yourself :

"Wow, I never knew I could wake a baby so delicately ! Maybe that'd make me a good mom..."

You sat down on your chair to look after Robert. Soon, your sister went downstairs and sat down too, followed by your father. Your mother came to the table with the platter and served you all. She sat down and you all told each other to enjoy your meal. You started eating. Halfway through the dinner, you asked :

"Hey, dad ?"

"Yes ?"

"Can I ask you a question ?"

"I don't know, can you ?"

"Dad..." You said, gritting your teeth.

"Come on, isn't that funny ?"


"Isn't this 'question'... about the concert ?" Your mother interrupted you.


"Concert ? There's a concert ? When ?" Your father interrupted you too.

"Let-let me explain the thing... I'd like to go to a concert on the fourth of September..."

"Well, whose performance is it ?"

"It's a band named the Animals..."

"I've heard of them... I like that song ! You know, with the guitar and organ solo... I keep forgetting its name... I know it's them though."

"House of the Rising Sun ?"

"Yeah, something like that !"

"Excellent... By the way, Candice and I already bought the tickets ! So it'd be such a shame if you didn't accept..." You said with low-key puppy eyes and a grin.

"Of course ! If it makes you happy..."

"Yay, thanks dad !"

"But she's not 18 yet..." Your mother replied.

"That's okay, she's almost 18."

"But they can be dangerous... Maybe they're like the Beatles..." She added with a bewildered look on her face.

"Listen, Bethany, I'm the man here so I can decide everything about my family !! And the Beatles have done nothing wrong !" Your father ranted.

"Harold, please calm down..." She replied.

"No, I won't ! I can do what I want !" He barked, slightly getting up from his chair.

Your mother gasped and lowered her head. Everyone suddenly went silent. With a concerned look on your face, you protested :

"Dad, you don't need at all to be that harsh with mom..."

You were pouting, your mother was biting her lower lip and holding back her tears and your sister was frantically looking at all of you, her mouth trembling. Your mother answered :

"I understand..." She then remained completely silent.

"(y/nn), I will let you go to the concert." Your father said, smiling.

"Dad why did you do this ? You really did NOT need to scold mom. The only people you need to scold are us." You replied, frowning.

"Listen, do you really want to go or not ?" He said with a tense smirk, though he looked like he was about to explode.

"Yes..." You muttered, lowering your head too.

"Good." He responded firmly.

He got up from his chair. As soon as he left the room, your mother burst in tears. You and your sister got up immediately to comfort her. Robert also started crying because he was confused and he had no idea what was happening. You came to comfort him right after. Then, you begged.

"Mom, I'm really sorry, I-I really want to go to this concert but I for sure did not want dad to burst like this... Please forgive me !"

"(y/n) it's all your fault !" Angela boomed.

"What do you mean it's all my fault ?? I don't overreact like dad, do I ?!"

"All because of this darn concert ! Do you even realize how serious this situation is ??"

"Yes I do realize, thank you. And I am NOT responsible for this. It's not my fault if dad has reacted terribly ! And stop trying to act mature, you're just a kid."

"I just don't wanna talk to you anymore."

"You're all so dramatic, I hate this family !" You hollered.

"Hmph, says you !"

You walked out of the dining room, slamming the door on your way. You ran upstairs to your room, then to your bed, and you screamed in your pillow. You started sobbing as well. You fell asleep.

Originally published September 6, 2023

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