Chapter 1 - My friend Candice

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You are waiting for your best friend, Candice, in front of your favourite café.

“(y/n) ! Hiii !” She said as she was running towards you.

“Hi there, Candice !”

“Sorry, (y/n), I'm late ! I should have been here by 15...” She answered, out of breath.

“That's okay, let's just get in and take a snack, shall we !”

You both get in and take a seat.

“So... how are you doing today ?” Candice asked to break the ice.

“I'm a bit anxious.”

“Why's that ?” She responded.

“Oh, you know, sometimes I get anxious for no apparent reason.”

 “ Oh, right !”

You both start giggling. A waiter then started walking towards your table.

“Hello ! What would you like to drink ?”

“Hello, can I have, please, uh...”

You hesitated, like always. You are very indecisive. Candice started to order since you were thinking.

“Can I please have a piece of strawberry cake with an espresso ?”

“All right. Anything else ?”

“I would like a vanilla milkshake with a chocolate cookie, please.”

“Is that all ?”

“Yes.” You both said. The waiter walked away. You carried on your conversation.

“Ah, sometimes my anxiety causes much trouble...”

 “For sure !”

She then nodded. But suddenly, she started frantically checking her surroundings. You looked at her, and finally asked :

“What's wrong ?”

“Hey, (y/n)...” She whispered out. “Er,... don't you find that waiter sooo good-looking ?” She said, with a huge loving grin on her face.

“Uhm... Yeah, he was pretty cute, I guess !” You answered, smiling discreetly.

“I hope that he's going to be the one to give us our food !”

She started blushing. You felt happy for her, but you started to overthink. You suddenly felt blue. You thought of how lucky she was. She was falling for a man that she can possibly see everyday, while you're in love with a celebrity. You'd have to be very lucky to see him in real life even once, that means being in a relationship with him would be mission impossible !

You both got lost in your thoughts. Your friend kept thinking about the waiter, and you kept thinking about your sorrow. Completely different thoughts...

Both of your minds got interrupted by a voice.

“Here is your order, young ladies !”

It was him, Candice's little crush. She looked up and showed a big smile, her eyes sparkling with love.

“Thank you very much !” She said, giggling and blushing.

The waiter smiled at her and walked away. She started freaking out, but you felt upset. You started drinking your vanilla milkshake so you could try and forget everything thanks to a very good drink !

Candice couldn't stop smiling, even when eating her piece of cake.

“So, Candice, I see that you're really in love !”

“Well yeah, of course !”

“Glad to hear it ! You're very lucky I think.”

“Oh, why that ?”

She notices your smile fading quickly.

“Is there... something wrong...?” She asked, her smile fading as well.

“You're very lucky, because you have a crush on this waiter, that you can go see everyday if you want, and then there's me, who's falling for a celebrity that I can't even go see at all. And even if I'm lucky, I could only see him on the stage...” You wailed out.

“Oh, (y/n), I'm so sorry... I can't help you, but I feel so sorry for you...”

“No that's okay, you can't fix anything, I know it, and I'm not mad at you at all. I actually am very happy that you found your love, and I do hope he likes you back, even if you two just met. I wish you the best for this future relationship !” You answer clumsily.

“Thank you... By the way, who's this ‘celebrity’ that you fell in love with ? Just curious !”

“His name is Hilton Valentine...” You said, discreetly looking away.

“Oh, I don't know him, who is this ?”

“Er... do you know this new band called The Animals ?”

“Ooo, I've heard of it on TV ! Their new hit song is amazing !”

“Well, he is the guitarist of this band !”

“Oh gosh, yes ! So, he's the one making that great guitar opening to the song ?”

“Yes ! Yes it's him ! I should have told you earlier that I was a fan of this band...”

“Awesome ! You know... I could probably help you make your objective a tad more achievable...”

“Really ?? How's that ?” You asked, astounded.

 “I've heard that... They are going to host a concert soon, in Manhattan. Next month, actually.”

 “Wait, really ? And this is not a joke ??”

“No, it isn't, luckily ! I learnt that today ! I read that in a newspaper. I'm glad to know that this information wasn't pointless and that you are interested !”

 “Oh shoot, I should go buy a ticket as soon as possible, or they're going to run out !”

“Yes, you better do it ! Also, I'd like to come with you, because why not. I might appreciate the songs they are going to perform too !”

 “No problem ! Though, before going anywhere, we should call the waiter... for the bill.” You said in a playful tone, winking.

 “(y/n) !!” Candice giggled out. 

As the waiter was passing by, you called him. He then walked to your table.

 “How may I help you ?”

“Can we see our bill, please ?”

“All right, I'm coming back with it !”

“Thank you.” You replid while gazing at Candice. You saw her chuckling softly.

He came back with the bill. 13.80 $. You left your money on the table and went outside with Candice.

Originally published July 12, 2023

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