Chapter 2 - Tickets

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You got out of the café with Candice. As you were both strolling accross the streets, you said :

“So now, we need to find the box office for the tickets... Luckily, I have enough money !”

“Yes, let's go !”

 When arriving to the box office, there was a very long queue.

“I knew it... This song is a huge hit, so everyone became a fan immediately when hearing it for the first time, and now look at the results !” Candice exclaimed.

“Oh my days... I hope there'll be enough tickets for us two !” You whined out.

“Don't worry, there will be enough. I'm pretty sure there are far more tickets than people in line currently ! I think this is the first day of selling tickets...”

“Maybe you're right...”

 Candice was very optimistic, and you were the opposite of her, pessimistic, but this time you tried your best to look on the bright side. You thought to yourself, Oh well, why am I always like this, so pessimistic ? I should just move on and be more positive...! And, Candice is right.”. You let out a sigh to relax. 30 minutes later, you were almost there.

“Hey (y/n) ! Look, we can almost get our tickets !”

“Yeah, I noticed that, fantastic !”

When you two were just about to arrive at the counter, a group of girls pushed you to get tickets before you.

“Hey !” Candice yelled out.

“We were here first ! What do you think you are doing right now ?”

You glared at the three girls, waiting for them to go back in line. The girl in the middle said :

“We are trying to get our tickets as fast as possible. We cannot miss this occasion !”

“But weren't you three just behind us ? You could have waited a bit more.”

“Actually, we just arrived. We need these tickets.” Said the one on the left.

“Three tickets, please.” Continued the one in the middle. 

“Hey, no ! You cut the whole queue. You can't have these tickets !”

You raised your voice at her. Candice was watching everything and tried to help. She said to the tickets seller :

“Please sir, they cut the line, can we at least have our tickets first ?”

“Well, yes... I witnessed everything.”

“Thank you ! Two tickets, please.” You answered, nodding your head to Candice to thank her. 

As you paid the tickets, the group of girls were staring at Candice and you, speechless. Then you two walked away from the booth.

“You will pay for that !!” The same girl yelled.

You looked back at her, turned back around, rolled your eyes and said to Candice, jokingly : 

“What can she do ? Steal our tickets ? Too bad that ain't gonna be enough for the three of them !”

“I swear, people like this... And, it's not that big of a deal.” Candice answered.

You both chuckled. As you were walking away, you two saw all the angry people giving bad looks to these three. That made you laugh even more.

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