Chapter 16: Matching Scars

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"Peter hurts.''

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I have a bad feeling. With out saying a word to anyone I run out the door. I'm running so fast faster then I have ever run before. I don't know what to think. How bad is peter hurt? What happened? I start to cry on the way but final burst through the door of his house. I run to his room to see Peter lying on his bed. His chest has a big gash on right arm has more gash. They are red from the blood still fresh. And one long deep cute on his left check.  I cry even more. He hears me and turns his head. I can tell he doesn't want me to see him like this. 

"Hey.'' he say there is pain in his voice 

I walk over to him and sit on the corner of the bed he tries to get up but his wince from pain. "Lie down." I say softly with tears still going down my face. 

He sit up anyways and wipes away my tears with his thumb "He beautiful don't cry its okay. I'm fine just some cuts that's all.'' He speak softly trying to clam me. 

I cry harder "I heard you were hurt and I didn't know what happened to you I thought the worst.'' 

He tries to pull me in for a hug but i wont' let him because of the gashes on his chest.  

"There was a fight one of the guys went at carrot top when he had his back turned and I couldn't let that happened so I jumped in front of him.'' He say still holding on to me

I final give in and lie down beside him wrapping my arm around him like he does to me but I do it gently so I don't hurt him. 

He tries to clam me down "It's okay don't worry I'm fine. I will never leave you. Promise.'' 

I final stop crying "Now we will have matching scars''  I say smiling

This comment makes him smile "Matching scars.'' He responds with and smile then kisses me. 

Then My mom and his family walk in  and see us kissing. They looked relieved to see us. 

My mom then says "Ivy you scared me just running out like that.'' Then she see Peter injuries. '' Oh peter!''

His mom see them too "Oh my baby, let me get the things to help clean that.'' 

Her and my mom leave to go get bandages then he dad speak.

"Are you okay and I'm sorry Ivy I didn't mean to scare you like that.'' He apologizes.

"It okay." I say and smile at him then he leaves and his mom comes back with the bandages. I tell her I'll clean Peter injuries. After cleaning them it became very late. 

''Oh it's late.'' I say 

"Yeah'' Peter answer ''Sorry I guess we will have to move out things in the house tomorrow.'' 

"Don't be sorry.'' I say then kissing him and saying goodbye.

But just when I'm about to leave he grabs my hand and says "Don't leave I want you here with me that way I know your safe.'' 

I lie down and I end up falling asleep in his warm strong arms. 

A/N Just wanted to say thanks. Like wow a 153 read that amazing. I never thought it would get that much. I know it not a lot compared to others but just wanted to say thank you for reading! Hope you like the rest of the stories and love to hear if you have any ideas for it.)

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