chapter 15: Little Hector

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I wake up the next morning next to Peter at his house in his bed. Yesterday was so much fun I love out little house and I've decided I want three gets or two but that's it. I look up to see that he is already awake "Good morning my Ivy." he say while kissing my forehead. I give him a real kiss then say "Morning." We walk down to his kitchen, were my family and his family are eating.

"Good morning." they greet us.

We respond with "Good morning." and sit down and start to eat.

"Have fun last night?" Ask my mother.

Before we could answer my brother say "Oh I 'm sure they had lots of fun." then he winks.

I turn red and Peter won't look anyone in the eye "Nothing happened." I say a little to quickly. My mother gives me a knowing look. Nothing happened last night it was during the day at the river again.

Then Peter dad laughs. He speaks saying " Well if you don't mind my boys and I have some business to take care of. So we will be gone but we will see you all for lunch then helping move things into Ivy and Peter house."

Peter ask he dad whats is going on but he dad says he will tell him on the way then the walk out of the house . I think they are going to the woods but I'll have to ask Peter later. I start to eat the rest of my food. There is a little talking going on while I stuff my face but other then that not much. Until Lily speaks up. 

"Ivy me and your mom are going to the market to get some food to cook that turkey you caught. Would you like to come?" 

"Um sure." I answer I don't really know what to do until I have to move my cloths and other belongings to my new house so why not. My brother then has to leave to his job. He say good bye kisses lily and gives me and  my mom a kiss on the check. We three girls walk to the market. When I get there I fell the basket up with carrots, potatoes,and unions. Then some fruit, oranges, apples, grapes, and Peter favorite straw berries. I get some wine for everyone because they all like it but I don't for some reason. We pay and on the way walking back Lilly grabs my arm really tightly and looks like she is in pain. Then I see a puddle of water on the ground. My mom notices.

She ask "Lily are you okay?" 

She then notices the water on the ground "Lily Darling." she say "Your water broke." 

Holy shit she having a baby! We get Lily to her house my mom gets her settle in bed while I go and get a blanket, towel, two bowls on full of hot water and one full of cold water the other hot water. I run to her room were she is in bed and my mother is sitting beside her on a stool. I place the things on the table.

"How is she?" I ask 

"Good." my mother replies  "Get her a cold washcloth for her head."

i do as my mom say. She has done this before and I have never done this before and I'm scared. I won't show it for Lily sake she the one having the baby so I shouldn't be talking. Just as I put the wash cloth on her forehead she gabs her stomach and makes a face of pain.

I give my mother a worried look "It okay Ivy just another contraction they are getting closer now she might be pushing soon." she assure me

I'm just worried about her and the baby. I don't know how my mother can stay so clam.  I hear someone walk through the door I go check to see who it is. I see Peter mother and my brother. Peter mother walks past me and says 

"I'll be in here and they other boys will be back soon." I nod 

She walks in the room and I turn to Peter "She will be pushing soon I'll come get you when you can come in." 

The boys never come in to see the birth of their child. I see the worry on his face and he excited and nervous too. 

I touch his shoulder gently "Hey it's okay. She will be fine and so will your kid." 

He smiles and I walk back into the room. It almost time. After a while of Lily pushing, the mother helping and I running back and froth to get thing they need, Lily gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. She scream so much in pain it looked like it hurt a lot. But Lily still smiled when she saw her baby boy and heard him cry. She is so tired and all sweaty. My mother washed the baby then hand him to Lily. I go out and tell my brother to see his new son 

"I have a son.'' he say really to no one with a smile the walks in to the room 

I follow him in to the room. You can see all the love in his eyes. They decide to name the baby Hector. Little Hector is so perfect. We sit around holding Sleeping Hector. When Peters Dad and carrot top come running through the door. They are out of breath and huffing. 

"What wrong?" I ask concern standing up. I have a bad feeling and Peter not with them. 

Through the panting Mr. Loup Gruop says "Peter. His badly hurt."

My heart drops to the pit of the stomach. 

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