Bhandarco Based on 9x15-16

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Johnny: way to pick up on the political context, thought you were smarter than that.
Dave:and uh how does your opinion count
Johnny: you got a problem little man
Alli: Johnny,Stop it
Johnny: Stop what? Your little niner boyfriend got in my face
Alli: he's not my boyfriend, but even if he was why would you care. We broke up remember?

He did remember,he remembered how horribly he treated her by lying and the whole picture fiasco. But that didn't make him any less angry seeing her with the dorky niner and having fun with him.

Johnny: I don't care

He yelled before being dragged out of the room by Allí. She led him into an abandoned room hoping to get him to talk to her. To get answers as to why he's acting out in fits of jealousy when they've been over for a while.

Alli: I'm gonna ask you again, why do you care so much if I date someone else or not. We're not together anymore for god sake

She stated this while pulling away from him, not bothering to look in his eyes, afraid of what she might took a long time before he even spoke but his eyes never left her figure. She was like a sickness that he couldn't shake. They hurt each other in the worse ways but he also can't imagine a life without her.

Johnny: Because I love you you moron
Alli: what?

A shocked expression laced her features after his confessions, those three little words that she was waiting to hear for a long time.

Johnny: I love you, that's why I got jealous when I saw you with Dave. It's why I haven't been able to think about anyone else since we broke up.
Alli: I love you too idiot

Her hands meeting the back of his neck pulling him closer to her, wanting to feel his warmth against her skin. She pulled his lips down to hers meeting in a perfect harmony of passion flaming between them. It felt like forever before they finally let each other go due to needing to catch their breaths.
Alli: what are we gonna do now?
Johnny: I was hoping you would be my girlfriend again. This time I want us to communicate better with each other and work on building our relationship and future together. If that's what you want too?
Alli: yeah I would love that
Leaning down to engulfed each other into another kiss before hearing the bell ring, signaling them it's time to head to class.
They walked out hand and hand in a dazed state from the room which was noticeable to everyone around including Johnny's best friend Bruce who was shocked but also super happy for his friend. He ended up with his dream girl and nothing was gonna stop them.

Degrassi one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang