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Based on a text conversation I saw on twitter. This is set when they are both in college.

I can't sleep

I told you to stay in bed, but no you had to leave to your room.

Well you could come over here, wouldn't want to let the boys get the wrong idea.

Alli texted while wrapped in the warmth that emculated off his light brown sweatshirt that he had given her earlier. She knew she had him when she threw his own words back at him.

Dimarco: Fine I'm coming uhhhh 🙄

It didn't take long until there was a knock at her door revealing to be none other than Johnny Dimarco.

"Uhh move over I'm bigger than you" He stated while the bed dipped down after he layed besides her. They stayed in that position, in each-others arms with her lightly placed in the middle of his chest, before the loud close of the door woke them up.
"What the hell is going on here" Kayla (aka Johnny ex girlfriend) screeched as she entered the room.
"Nothings going on Kayla we fell asleep after watching a movie"He stated thinking it's a simpler explanation than the whole truth.
"Like that's a good excuse" rolling her eyes while speaking
"What's your problem?" He asked in a serious tone

"I don't like when you're here, especially when I have to come in and see you two sharing a bed. It's disgusting."
"How is it disgusting Kayla? We were sleeping and even if it was anything more it's none of your business." I waited to hear her reasoning since she had never asked me not to bring him here I never really thought it was an issue...apparently it was.
"She's only eighteen, and she's your ex. She's the reason we ended.I knew she was a problem, when she showed up here before." He shook his head. "She was never a problem Kayla, you were. Your lack of trust in me, in our relationship...No you put the strain on it."
"Then how come, she was all you could talk about? You said it was done, but when she left it was like she was still here" I bit my lip, he never said that I had cause problems for them...and I wondered if they would still be together if I hadn't shown up.
"Kayla, I told you how things were with me and her, I told you how I felt when she showed was my chance to make things right and I'm glad I took it, Alli is a great girl"
"You love her Johnny."
"That has nothing to do with it Kayla, you treated her like crap before you knew who she was."
"You acted like you needed to save her Johnny, like it was more important than us." I couldn't see what was going on since my eyes were closed but knowing Johnny I knew he shrugged.
"And now I have to see you together? You're twenty two messing around with an eighteen year old."
"I'm not messing with her Kayla, we sleep in the same bed but nothing else has happened, and you know what I am twenty two and she is eighteen. But she's smart and mature and knows what she wants, which isn't me." I frowned; he obviously was pretty oblivious... "You, Johnny Dimarco are a jerk and I hope you are very happy with your floozy over there."
"She's not a floozy, Kayla. There is no need to be rude, Alli is a great girl and you could be friends with her if you made an effort. But whatever don't take your anger out on her."
It didn't take long for the bed to dip back down and the door to slam shut before I heard Johnny's voice say "you must have enjoyed that"
"I didn't but I think your pretty obviously if you think I don't want you" stating before the part that filters between her brain and mouth kicked on
"What" surprising him
"I said I think your pretty obviously if you think I don't want you" she stated before rolling over and laying his legs while looking up at him. She grabbed his neck with her hand bringing his lips down to hers. It didn't take long before he leaned down to bring her into a passionate and long kiss communicating everything he was feeling. The stayed in sharing kisses and watching movies for the rest of the day without Kayla every coming back to the room that night.

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