Jane, Mia, and Johnnys gang 7x21

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"What are you doing here?" Jane asked in a confused tone that reeked of disappointment
"I'm trying to be a normal teenager for once and kinda sucking" Mia stated back while grabbing Isabella out of Janes arms
"Where's daddy dorkwad" she stated while raising her voice
"He's trying give him a break" Mia speaking in a pleading tone
"Wait he's drunk and you should get out before it's to late" stating the obvious in a angry/disappointed tone
Just then she heard the sound of siren reeking through the home. Stating the police were here to break up the party. It didn't take long for Jane to push Mia and Isabella into her bedroom where Spinner was sitting on the bed munching down pizza.
"Stay in here with us until the police are gone. I don't want you to get in trouble and potentially lose your daughter because her father is stupid." Jane stating in a maternal tone that shocked Mia
"Ok, thanks I guess" she stated still speechless from the whole encounter
"No problem"
It didn't take long before the police left after shutting down the party. Mia walked down the stairs to see Johnny,Bruce,and Lucas on the couch drinking away at the leftover beer.
"Hey beautiful, what took you so long upstairs?" Lucas' speech was slurred due to the alcohol
"I was upstairs with our daughter, who you didn't seem to care about when you decided to throw this party. She could have been put in foster care or worse if she was seen. God why does your sister care more about your daughter than you do! I should have listened to her when she said you would let me down, but no I knew better. God I'm such an idiot!" Stating while pacing back and forth with her head in her hands. The three boys looked shocked at her outburst but not saying anything before Mia was gone back up the stairs to collect her daughter. It took only a few moments before she was heading down the stairs to the door before turning around to say "I can't do this anymore Lucas. No matter how much I love you, my daughter comes first always.Even-though I forgot that tonight I'm never doing this again. The old Mia you love so much is dead and she's not coming back."
Just like that she was gone leaving the boys shocked but a certain raven haired girl very proud.

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