Haunting Memories

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TW! fighting, mentions of ED, character death

just a forewarning, there are a few "ocs" in this story just to put a name to some faces, and they are actually inserts of my friends and I who all wanted to get featured at least once. of course, you will notice that some of us are romantically involved with the ghouls, so please take it with a grain of salt since it is purely for our fun.

words: 6153


"What do you mean you won't take responsibility?! We signed a contract that clearly stated that you would be prepared for cancellation due to weather!"

"I don't give a shit about the equipment, we had thousands of fans looking forward to tonight just for you to let them down! Not only that but my boys and girls are fucking exhausted!"

"Our equipment is replaceable but pricey and customized! I have spent hours setting up our amps and cords and settings just for it to be destroyed by the rain that should have been blocked by proper coverage provided by you!"

"If we hadn't canceled tonight, would you really have had us perform on that stage?! That's dangerous as shit, also considering the fact that some of us are elevated and can seriously get hurt!"

"I expect compensation for my members, my fans, and Amon Amarth."



"How the hell did they fuck up this badly! My keyboard is too delicate to be handled so carelessly with water!"

"Ciri, Lus, I-"

"Shh, don't cry, Rora. Papa will figure this all out."

"Satanas, I am going to murder the man in charge."


"You're okay, take deep breaths."

"Rainy, are you alright? Are you able to talk with me right now? Okay, just nod or shake your head then, are you fine with me touching you? Why don't you come sit with Phantom and I?"

"Everything will be fine, boys... Papa will figure it out, and then... Well, we keep going."


The U.S. tour had started great, energetic crowds, accommodating venues, and great vibes within the band. But, as the tour started to head to the Southeastern states, other things began to go south as well. Two venues canceled due to a hurricane in Florida, and tonight's venue decided to not be as helpful and smart as they could have been. Wires soaked through and dead, amplifiers drenched and staticy, costumes stained with water and dirty. It was a mess, and now, after hours of Dewdrop, Swiss, and Copia defending the rights within their contract, the ghoulettes' angry ranting in the ladies' room, and Mountain comforting the sobbing Phantom and exhausted Rain, the band is just... done.

Phantom was escorted to the bus by Copia with a reassuring hand rubbing up and down his back, and the others began packing up. They moved in silence, the only sounds being the clatter of metal clashing and wires hitting the ground as they were tossed into the pile of ruined equipment. Every now and then, the silence would be broken by the occasional utterance of curses as band members said their farewells of their most reliable pieces of tech. When someone would let out a small whimper or cry, no one would say a word, only feeling the heaviness on their chests grow and the sadness that digs up a pit in their gut swell.

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