The accident.

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It was just a normal day, raph out with April and Cassandra punching up random goons around town, Mikey was with cj and draxum practicing Mikey's mystic powers, using cj's knowledge of future Mikey's powers. Dad's off chasing glory- really he's just stalking mikey because he doesn't want draxum hurting him, even though he's literally helped us for two years, dad's always skeptical, especially since the KRANG........But anyway that's besides the point! You see today is a very rare, special day! Everyone's out and about except for me...and 1 other certain turtle. My dear purple twin, dontron. You see, usually he's always caught up in his work, but today's a good day!! Because Donnie finally finished a project that's been bugging him for months, so, as is his official twin, I'm going to take this day to spend time with him! I miss annoying him haha ....but really...we haven't been able to really spend time together since.....since the KRANG.....But today we're gonna make up for lost time! I've got all our favorite foods, a collection of playlists we both equally enjoy, and ofc Jupiter Jim's full collection! It's time for a full on twin day! Nothing can ruin this for us, today's gonna be the best!

Leo walked through the curtain that stood in front of Donnie's room, not feeling the need to knock because of all the security don had, he more than likely already knew nardo was coming.
He held all the supplies they needed in his arms as he trotted happily into Donnie's room. He stopped short as he saw Donnie hunched over his desk, working on another project. Oh.....well that's ok! Leo puts the supplies down in the corner of the room. I can still spend time with him and annoy him!-Leo thought.
He walked up behind Donnie, tapping him on shoulder lightly. Donnie practically jumped out of his shell, narrowly avoiding dropping everything he was holding.


Donnie's harsh voice startled Leo for a moment before he pulled himself back.

"Geez getting a bit rust there aye D?"

"Uhh why- what do want? Can't you see I'm busy."

He turns back around replacing everything he was working on.

"What makes you think I need something? Maybe I just wanted to pop in and say hi!"

Leo leaned back on his heals, torso pointed forwards and hands behind his back.

"Scoff, be realistic nardo. This is you we're talking about. You always need something."

Ouch. That hurt.

"Aw come on DD~ I just came to ask if I could sit here while you worked on whatever doohickey you're working on now."

"Doohickey? I'll have you know this is the scientific break through of the year- no of the century!"

"Soooo is that a yes?"

Donnie sat and pondered for a moment before an more than unsettling bring grew on his face.

"I suppose....just don't touch anything."

"You got it dontron!" Leo jokingly salutes before settling into a chair next to Donnie.

Leo sat, swinging his legs back and forth in the chair watching Donnie work for about 10 minutes. He tried to talk a few times but was met with "hush" or "be quiet nardo". Yea this definitely wasn't what he'd had in mind when he asked to watch him work. He just wanted things to go back to the way they used to be where they were so close. But then Leo started thinking to himself, had they ever really been close? I mean sure they were twins but....that was about all they had in common. At least in Leo's eyes. He started thinking about all the times he's spent with Donnie, realizing most had either been fighting villains, fighting each other, or Leo just annoying him. The only time they maybe had quality time together was when they were with Mikey and raph. Maybe this was a bad idea..... Leo was about to call it quits when Donnie spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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