Part:3 Dilemma

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His eyes snapped open only to meet a very familiar pair of, almond shaped, beautiful brown eyes with his moist one. He knows these eyes. They are the most beautiful one. Wait WHAT? He was shocked to the core. What he just saw? Whom he just saw? She IS here? In front of his eyes. He couldn’t believe his own freaking eyes how could she come here? He might have started hallucinate things, he decided. & closed his eyes again.

"Are you really here? Or am i imagining you? Did you really come all the way to, surprise me? Or i was thinking about you so much so that i lost it? Please don't be a dream!" he mused sending a silent prayer.

After a brief seconds, he opened them again to find out those beautiful brown orbs staring at him dearly to his utter shock or surprise,he couldn’t figure out. He felt as if ground was snatched under his feet. Something happened in his stomach again. Heart beat fastened as if it'll explode any time now. He could hear his heart thumping crazily. A warm sensation passed through his ears to neck. The world seemed to freeze right there. Time stopped. He found himself staring at her in astonishment, forgetting what he was doing, where he was. As if there was no one around. Was she really here? He stared at her, not believing the sight, wondering if he was dreaming. He needed confirmation.

There she was standing her chin up, confident, with a smirk. He could say that she was enjoying the reaction he was giving. Her eyes sparkled. Surprisingly she had a different aura. A sense of strength, elegance & power oozed from her. He then let his eyes travel on her next few seconds, that made his breath struck in his throat. She looked beautiful. More than beautiful, she looked elegant, mature & luscious. A bolt of sensation made his body shiver. Gone, the cute, chubby-bubbly, innocent girl leaving a sense of maturity, awarness & elegance, a completely different aura within her. What could make women feel jealous of her & men, drop their jaw to the ground, he thought. He did not like the last thought ran through his mind, that much. He cursed.


Eza's POV:
(The day before his birthday)

She is sitting on her couch beside the giant bed, that is her favourite corner with a big open window giving her a full view of the sky. With her phone in hands, lost in thoughts, of obviously him.

How she supposed to forget his birthday? She looked at her phone after the call was done. Gaurav bhaiya called. They said, they were going to attend the party. Initially he had denied for any celebrations but with the insistence of all, he agreed. Gaurav bhaiya asked,

"What about you? Are you coming? Have you talked with him yet?"

"No" she replied not knowing what to tell him.

She could hear him sigh, the other side.

"I don't know what to do." she told him expecting him to understand.

"I understand. But i think at least you should talk to him."

"Maybe. It's all strange now, you know?" she complained irritated at the helplessness.

"We'll text you the address shortly" he finished after this.

She snapped back when her phone pinged. The address has been sent. She is nervous. Clueless, to think or decide anything. She started feel dizzy.

Before Panic rises, she will go to the party & surprise him, she decided. Determined, she gets off from the couch. She then informed her family, before she goes out for shopping to get a gift for the birthday boy.

At night, she was in her bedroom looked at the wall clock ticking. As she decided it'll be a surprise she had no intention to call or text him or wish him. When it striked to 12.00 she closed her eyes.

"Happy Birthday Gadheda" she murmured with a little smile on her lips.

She recalled last year's events on their set. How she had given him 32 kicks for his 32th birthday. How how all enjoyed together. She missed them. She missed her idiot a lot.

She has some plans for the next day, so she needs to get up early in the morning. She has drifted to deep slumber with a knowing smile that finally she is going to meet him after all these months.

She woke up with a jolt, by the sound of alarm. She did her morning rituals, had breakfast & went out immediately for an important work that was needed to be done before noon. After completing the task she went back to her apartment & had lunch. Today she would've to get ready properly & presentable, she decided. She would knock off everyone tonight, she said to herself internally. & smirked at the thought.

After getting herself ready for the night, she dragged herself to the driving seat of her Blue Ertiga, before keeping a big packet to the front passenger seat. The content of the packet, was a black shirt made of premium fabric, a limited edition. That was the gift she bought the previous day. Settling her seat belt, she sped off the road to the address she received from Gaurav bhaiya.

Reaching the big entrance of the venue, she gets off the car. Taking out the gift she goes in, descended the stairs to the 2nd floor where the big hall was. When she reached, she sees the huge hall is decorated gorgeously with flowers & balloons. & the hall was crowdy. She mentally cursed for being late, because of the girl who did her hair took little too much time.

She feels nervous all of a sudden. She is feeling adrenaline rush to her spine. But immediately shrugged it off & goes inside.

Reaching the front, she finally saw him. His eyes closed as if he thinking something. She felt a pit fall in her lower stomach. She gulped.

Gathering all her strength & confidence she could today, she called out "Fahmaan".

________Flashback Ends__________

Precap: Waterworks.

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