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A white haired boy wearing a long black jacket, he had heard that Sorea had a son which has white hair just like his father but Rolue wasn't quite sure if it was him. The white haired boy didn't notice Rolue that was standing still like a statue to avoid the boy seeing him, The boy was talking to someone but Rolue didn't see anyone around. "Look, I'll talk to you later, I have to get out of the palace before mom knows I'm here" said the boy, then he started walking towards a room that had "RR" written on it, Rolue took some deep breaths and started walking after the boy. He saw the boy enter the room, Rolue walked towards the door and saw that it was half way open, Rolue got in the room. He started looking around the room, he saw that in the middle of the room, there was a table. The table had maps scattered on it, he also noticed that there was ink that was spilled on the maps by accident. Rolue walked quietly towards the table and touched the ink, from afar, it looked dry on the maps but close up it looks like the ink was spilled a couple minutes ago. Which means the boy spilled the ink, Rolue looked around but didn't find the boy. "Where in the world did that boy go?" said Rolue. He looked at the bookshelf's, just in case there was any hidden lever or something of that sort. He saw a book which grabbed his attention, it was a red covered book, he took a closer look and saw "RB" written on it's side. Rolue started to link things, "RR" above the door, "RB" on the side of the book. Suddenly, the rooms door opened with a loud creek. Rolue hid under the table, not knowing what would happen. Three people entered the room, "Princesses, take a seat". Rolue realised that, that voice is his father's voice aka the kings voice. The princesses sat down and so did the king, "How many soldiers do you need?" said the king, "We need as much as you can give us, we're about to go to war with The Dimension Of Light's king" said princess Ruby. "Why?" said the king, "Because they stole the jewel of Paradon from us, and we need that jewel to keep the balance between the animals, and the Natura's" answered princess Ruby. "I'm guessing you mean Natura's as in the Dimension Of Nature's citizens" said the king. "Exactly" said princess Venelope, "I'm willing to give you 10,000 soldiers in exchange for 10,000 trees and a 100 trucks full of food" said the king. "It's a deal" said princess Ruby and they shook hands. The king brought a piece of paper and a pen, he started writing about the exchange to make sure neither of the parties (the king or the princesses) deny the exchange. "Sign this" said the king, Ruby took the pen and signed the exchange contract. "Done" said princess Ruby "It was nice doing business with you" said the king. "It was nice doing business with you too" said princess Ruby, the princesses got up from their chairs and walked out of the room with the king behind them. Rolue came out from under the table, he saw the white haired boy run out of the room. Rolue ran after him, the boy headed towards the stairs to go to the 2nd floor, Arose and Marth were on the 2nd floor. Marth noticed Rolue running after a person from the slight crack in the door. Marth left the Prince's room and went to the stairs where he met with the anonymous person. The boy didn't notice that Marth was waiting at the top of the stairs so he got to the 2nd floor where Marth grabbed him. The boy looked at Marth in the face, Marth realised that the person Rolue was running after was Sorea's son, Kasper. Rolue got to the top of the stairs and saw Marth looking at the boy in confusion, "Kasper, what are you doing here?" said Marth. "How do you know my name? and why do I have a feeling we've met before?" said Kasper. Rolue looked at Kasper in awe, "you look young from afar but close up you look like a grown man" said Rolue. "I've heard that many times before" said Kasper. "You didn't answer me, detective" said Kasper to Marth, "I can't answer neither questions, but I can tell you this. We were close when we were younger" said Marth. "You are something else, detective." "Now, can you let go of me?" continued Kasper. "Oh, sorry" said Marth, "how do you know Marth's a detective?" said Rolue "That, I can't say" said Kasper. "Marth?, Marth where are you?" said Arose while she was looking for Marth in the room. "I'm right here Arose" said Marth, Arose came out of the room. "Who's that?" said Arose, "This is Kasper, Kasper this is Arose" said Marth. "Nice to meet you Kasper" said Arose, "Nice to meet you too, Arose" said Kasper. "How come I've never seen you before?" said Arose, "I was hiding from my mother, if she finds me out here, she'll kill me" said Kasper. "Why?" said Rolue, "She doesn't let me go anywhere in the morning, she's afraid of something but doesn't tell me wha-" then Kasper stopped "I think I told you stuff more than you should know" finished Kasper. "I'm leaving now, bye" said Kasper, "bye" said Rolue, "Cya Kasp" said Marth, "Ciao" said Arose. Then, he headed downstairs hurriedly and left. "I wonder why Sorea doesn't let him go out at morning" said Arose, "Question," said Arose then turned to Marth "Why is Sorea's name on your ring?". Marth looked at Arose speechless, "Well, uh" "She's my mom" said Marth. "What." said Arose astounded by his words, "you're joking, right?" said Rolue. "You look nothing like her to be honest" "said Arose. "Well, it's a long stor-" "Say it." said Arose before Marth could finish his sentence. "Okay, okay. So basically, she adopted me, but then left me because she thought she couldn't have kids, but one day she got pregnant and had Kasper." said Marth "hold on, hold on. I'm confused, she adopted you because she thought she'll never have a child of her own?" said Arose. "Exactly" said Marth. "Okay, let's leave this for later because we're running out of time, what did you guys find?" said Rolue. "We found nothing, Prince Drax's room looks fine to me and we checked everything. We're guessing the culprit is a smart one" continued Arose "they kept no evidence in the room". "I say we should take a look at his corpse, they haven't buried him yet. Right?" said Marth, "Yup, they haven't buried him yet. The funeral will be three days from now" said Rolue. The palace door opened, which made a lot of noise. "Rolue, you gotta go. Now." said Arose. "Okay, I'll see you at the village" said Rolue. "Marth, Arose, did you finish taking a look at Prince Drax's room?" said the king from the ground floor. "Yes, your highness, we finished and we have found nothing" said Arose. Rolue took a peek from the stairs and saw his father looking at him in the eye. "Rolue, is that you?" said the king "There is nobody up here, just me and Marth, your highness" said Arose. "But I'm pretty sure I saw-

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