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The sachet had really worked wonders, I can't say that i was at peak strength but I could hold my own weight now .
I had kinda lost all sense of time while in this place ,I didn't know how long i had been here ,maybe it was less than a week but the bare walls and torture made it seem like years .
I had also given up on the hope of being let go,at least when I'm still in one piece mentally . They would break me down first .

" Get up dreamer , time for your bath." I was uncomfortable getting baths with him ,but there's nothing I could do about it. They had already taught me that lesson a few times. Now all I did was shut up and take whatever it is they dished my way.

I stood weakly and followed him to the garage/ bath place . I knew the drill, take of my clothes if I don't want them wet and put them aside. They were dirty and a bit uncomfortable but they kept me covered and a bit warm,that's all that mattered at this point .

He put on the hose like usual,pointed it towards me. I was now used to the water ,I never jumped like before .
" You're a really good boy these days Theo. Have you finally seen the error in your ways?"

I simply looked at him. " I guess you won't talk huh! Well let me tell you something, we're alone today and do you know what's in store for you once everyone is back? You probably don't ." At that point he started laughing.

"Turn around, touch your toes !" I did.

" Yea you see ,because you use this sweet ass to commit your horrendous acts ,they plan on taking care of it. You know that you can live without an abuse don't you kiddo. Today ,at night ,you'll get a surgery to get rid of your anus ."

I didn't want to but my body tensed up. I had to get out of here ,in any way I could. They were borderline insane right now. I started plotting my escape.

" Now I have a personal vendetta, that's why i stayed back. I need to enjoy your sweet ass for the last time. Won't you let me do that Theo huh? It's not like you have much of a choice though. Stand up, don't put on your clothes ."

Did he mean he wanted me to have sex with him? I couldn't do that , I'd rather die.
I stood my ground.
" Let's go ." I didn't move a muscle.
" You want to play with me right now kid? I swear to you ,you'll regret not moving when I said so."

He stalked towards me and i was not expecting the blow. I had never been in a fight so I didn't exactly know how to fight ,I just wanted out even if it meant through death.
He punched me so hard on the face I felt like my nose and jaw broke . I fell on the ground . He held me by my hair and raised my head .
" Next time when I say something you obey ,got it ?"
I didn't nod or move . He punched me again , keeping my head up .
" Do you hear me !" I nodded once .
" Now get up and follow me !" I got up weakly, blood was flowing from my face and one of my eyes was already swelling shut .
When we reached close to the living room,I made a run for the door .

I didn't make it far ,he pushed me from behind and I slammed my head into the said door . Everything went dark for a second. 
" You've grown some balls today ,do yiu want me to kill you?"  He was ontop of me . He held the hair at the nape of my neck and banged my head on the floor a couple of times.  I was on the brink of unconsciousness .
" Little boy ,I wasn't going to force myself on you ,but you leave me no choice. "

He got off me and I could hear him unbuckle his pants . I couldn't move my head was throbbing, my sight fading and I couldn't feel my own body .

He got back on top of me ." Now look at what you made me do , why didn't you cooperate huh?" I felt his hand on my butt ,he was caressing and molding it . I closed my eyes ,maybe I could sleep and never wake up.

The front door was down and he was off me . There was alot of noise from all around .
" Copy , we've found him ."
I felt something cover me .
" Where is he ? Where the fuck is he ?"  Zane ? Was that Zane ?
I tried to call out but everything hurt .

" Right this way sir ."
Footsteps got closer to me and if I could I would have backed away from them . I was just too hurt to move .
" Don't move him sir ,the medics are here . He might have a broken neck or something worse ."

A hand landed gently on my hair ,I didn't like it. I didn't want anyone to touch me on my head . " Theo my love, I'm here . Daddy's here now ."

I tried to talk but I couldn't.  " Don't try to speak sir ."
" Don't close your eyes Theo, I'm here now . You never have to be scared again."
Everything was foggy and I was in pain from the prying they were doing to me.
When they put on the neck brace I let out a pained moan. It was too much that I decided to give in and close my eyes .

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