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I couldn't guess what they'd do to me next to be honest , they were creative and unpredictable.
After my bath I'd been submerged into a giant ice cube ,I don't even know why they gave me the bath then . It was so cold I passed out .
"I have a treat for you Theo ." I looked up at my captors ,I was hungry and emotionally drained.
They didn't want to feed me anything, claiming that the demons would run away due to the hard conditions in my body .
" I have a show for you,  I hope you won't like it ." What did that mean? I was frustrated and ready to cry.

He ordered me to stand and follow him into the living room ,which I did. The men were seated all over the room and the TV was onn. Was this another one of their tricks .
I sat on the couch that was right infront of the screen and he turned it onn.

" Let's enjoy this show together guys right ?" By show they meant a freaking porno.
" And son, do look at the screen . I don't want to punish you." I didn't know their names ,that was number two . He was ,in my opinion more merciless than the rest . I nodded .

It started out with this young boy ,he was small like me ,he left his bedroom and went to some office.
" Daddy , I'm bored " The said man looked at him and called him. The boy giddily rushed to him . " What do you want to do baby, should we watch a show or do you want me to fuck that tight hole ?"
I won't lie and say that this wasn't affecting me , all I could think about was Zane. He was big and strong . If he were my boyfriend that would be the best thing in the world . I remember his bedhead and that firm chest.
My cheeks grew warm , was I blushing !

I focused on the screen again and apparently they were now naked . The daddy told the boy to get on his knees and he took that huge cock into his mouth . I looked at my fingers .
My hair was roughly grabbed tears immediately came into my eyes ." What did I say ? You should watch it or fo you need my help? "
I tried to shake my head in his grip." Don't make me repeat myself. "

I continued watching with tears pricling my eyes , I wanted to go home ,I didn't like it here .
As the show went on the moans and sounds grew louder . They were a nice match together, the daddy big and strong enough to manhandle the boy.
I usually don't like watching the actors ,I'd listen to the moans instead and get turned onn, I'd imagine myself in that scenario with my own man.

It was so erotic but uncomfortable with these men around me . Whenever I'd look at them ,one would have their eyes on me already.

Let's just say this was a good episode, it had a lot of things that I personally loved. And with my mind working in overdrive thinking about Zane ,I was getting turned onn. I was really fighting it seeing as these men didn't like me gay ,this was surely a trap.

The end got me , the small boy got his release but his daddy still pumped his dick ,it was surely sensitive. He was crying out as he got fucked so fast . Then his daddy finally released too. Watching the cum drip from inside him was erotic .
I could feel the bonner I had in my shorts .
" Okay ,the end !" Number one , the one who opened the door that day, stood up and came towards me. " Why don't you stand up son ."

I didn't want to delay his order and get a slap or worse . He asked me to pull down my shorts and I did . All the while I was thinking about dying cats and my parents kissing to get it down.

" Aaahh I see we still have the gays ." That was three , the one who gave me the bath.
" I guess we should up our game, don't you think so Theo ?"
The two other men ,they didn't talk much ,help me and dragged me to the punishment room.

" What will I do today huh Theo , well I have some options, I also don't want to be too hard on you ,the last resort will be lobotomy . For now , let's try out random stuff , I also have to do an electroconvulsive shock on you . Doesn't that sound scary ?"
I was used to be ing queit now. I only watched him . A part of me had accepted my fate,I'd surely die in their hands .

A glassbof water was brought to me and some pills . I was forced to swallow those and they made me drowsy and sick.
" What you just took are a new invention. They are supposed to change your physiology into that of a true man . There's a bonus ,it makes you rock hard . Now I have another gift for you, and you better like this one."

Some girl was brought in, she looked young.
" Do as you were instructed. " That's all they said before they left the room.
She came towards me and I backed away . Or atleast tried to ,my world was spinning.
She didn't talk and I couldn't form words in my mind . I lost my balance and fell down.
"S..stop please..." I wanted to ask her a lot , was she being forced too?

She started undressing before me and o closed my eyes . This was wrong . I tried standing up but everything was shaking and turning . I felt like throwing up too.

I felt hands touch my member and I tried to move it away , my hands were as heavy as lead . She got on me and started doing the unthinkable, tears formed in my eyes . I kept them closed all the time.

It went on for a while  ,till everything  stopped. A sigh escaped me .

" Theo, did you have fun." I didn't like the suffering, I'd give in. Tell them I'm straight as a pole now.
I nodded vigorously.
" well we can confirm that tomorrow, I think your friend there needs to rest. "

I was taken to my room, I was still hard and it was painful,uncomfortable and embarrassing.
I lay down and tried not to think about what had happened.

I must have fallen asleep ,I was woken up to my growling stomach. I wore my shorts and I felt something in my pocket . I looked for it and it was the sachet Zane had given me. I had forgotten about it.

I know this chapter might be uncomfortable to others 😅😅 sorry about that really . Thank you for the support you're giving me ,I'm so grateful.  I didn't think anyone would read ,I was in it for the fun. I'll work  harder .

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