I want to act like she's mine.

"Just give her some water to sober up Rhett." I sigh, the thought of her dancing with some other guy she doesn't know at some fancy club really annoys me. Especially since I have acted like a complete dick to her. I didn't mean to. I just... I sigh again and the more I sigh the less relieved I feel. After telling her to walk home I felt like I blew everything. I wouldn't want to talk to me after something like that, so I was surprised she actually tried. Even though I really felt like I didn't deserve a single conversation with her. To add to it, I still feel so embarrassed for crying and breaking down in front of her.

I'm a dick I know, but right now, I need to make it right. Which is why I need to get my ass over to that bar. Because I care. Not because I'm scared another guy might make a move on her.

"Okay okay," Rhett sighs. "Don't worry."

I do worry.

"You should be worried, because I'm coming." I tell him, and that did sound like a legit threat. I swear if something happens to her before I'm there he's going to wish he shoved water down her throat all night.

"Yeah, Rém now I'm sc-"

I shake my head and just hang up before ordering a cab.

My knee bounces up and down as I wait for it, and a tight feeling in my chest catches up with me. "Fuck!" Cussing out loud I release some anger, anger directed towards myself for being such an asshole. I need to do something to make the feeling go away, anything. So once more I grab my phone, cussing when I see the message, she sent me earlier in the car. I ignored it because honestly, I didn't know what to tell her. I wasn't okay. But I just couldn't tell her that my entire databank of bad memories messed me up beyond comprehension. That all week I have been trying to forget about the feeling of not meaning anything to my parents, to anybody. I just felt so damn alone, but now I realize that was by choice. She wanted to be there, and I should have let her. So, I text her and pray she reads it before she does anything she might regret.


I'm really sorry

I care about you Céline

That's all you need to know right now

I care about you

I keep waiting for her to reply and my phone doesn't leave my hand until the cab drops me off in front of the club. There's not much of a line so it just takes a few antagonizing minutes to get in. I rush through the crowd when I spot Rhett and Brooks, both holding shots.

I curse under my breath when I reach them, instantly grabbing Rhett's fancy shirt. "What the fuck!" Rhett yells but when he notices me, his face falls. I'm staring at him, and he knows exactly what the look on my face means.

I'm pissed.

As pissed as I get.

"Yeah, What the fuck." I snarl. "Exactly!"

"Woah, calm down Rém." Brooks tries to pull my hand from Rhett's shirt and with a cuss I let go.

"Fine." I look at both of them while I take a deep breath, still clenching my jaw. "Where is she?" I nod and both of them shrug.

"Who?" Rhett says.

"Don't bullshit me!" I grimace. "Céline. The girl you have a fucking crush on. Remember her? Blonde, pretty, obsessed with true crime, you convinced her to come on this trip so you could make a move? Remember?"

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