After serving light snacks Somin took her leave and Taehyung took this as his clue to start. He wanted to see Jungkook once but since he came, he couldn't find his husband anywhere, maybe busy with the dinner.

Somin noona was looking a bit tensed, I just hope everything goes well.

He rubbed sacred blue thread on his wrist with his thumb and with a deep breath started with his presentation.








" We are interested in your project Mr. Kim but give us some time to discuss it with our team. We'll soon let you know our decision. " 

" I'm glad to hear it. We are looking forward towards our collab. Let's have dinner? " 

Taehyung went to the kitchen to inform them to serve dinner. 

  Where's Jungkook. Taehyung wondered after not finding his omega anywhere in the kitchen. 

" Eomma we are done with our meeting, set up the table for dinner. Make it quick. " 

" Huh! Just one job. We gave your husband just one responsibility but looks like he doesn't care about you at all Taehyung. Only moon knows where he went without preparing dinner and haven't come back yet. There are very minimum ingredients left so give me at least 20 minutes to prepare decent dinner till then go and keep them engage in talks. "  Mrs.Kim snarled.

" Jungkook isn't here? What do you mean by that? He's missing and you guys are informing me now?" Taehyung hurriedly took out his phone to contact his omega but the said omega's phone was switched off. 

What is he supposed to do in this situation? There are investors siting in his living room, his husband is probably missing, and the dinner is not ready. What should he take care of first?   

" Eomma when was the last time you saw Jungkook? "

" Huh? Will you stop talking about him? Let me work Taehyung. He's not a kid, he'll come back. Focus on your career which is at stake. " 

" Eomma. " Taehyung asked again in a deadly calm voice. Only he knows what hurricane is growing inside him. 

" I saw him after lunch time when he was in the kitchen preparing for dinner." Seon-ho decided to interfere seeing Taehyung losing his calm.

" After lunch time? So, he's not seen by anyone after what? 3 p.m.? " Taehyung asked amused by his family. 

" He was preparing for dinner?  So where is his prepared food? Probably in the dustbin." Mrs. Kim scoffed. 

Jungkook where are you? 

Taehyung ruffled his hair in frustration. 

" See I told you right Somin? Jungkook is not right for my Taehyung, but your Appa didn't listen to me. Now see. He left his husband for moon knows what. How can he do this? Not only this but he also didn't fulfill his vows. How can you lie to Moon Goddess when you have no intention to complete it. But my son doesn't understand anything. The moment he will come, he will run behind him like a lap dog. " 

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