Chapter 14

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Power surged all over my body. It was different from when I sucked Dušan's powers. The life force of the gray wolf was strong and vicious. It was unpleasant; however, it was compelling. I could feel the change in my body, unlike what I felt in Dušan.

What was the meaning of this? Was it because the power was not pure, stained by the malevolent intent the wolf had on us?

No, I did not want this creature's atrocious powers to blemish my purity. On second thought, I was not unsullied anymore, since Kigga wanted to put me down and we had a fight. I just needed to control this substandard power. I had no choice but to somehow eliminate its maliciousness. The itch all over my body made my skin crawl. And literally, my skin shed off for the first time in my immortal life. My body grew longer and bigger. Now, that was... quite progress.

With this newfound power, I could feel myself energized. It was relatively satisfactory, given our current predicament. Hence, with lightning speed, I bit each of the gray wolves present in the dungeon, while Garridan recuperated from his wounds. Greenish white balls floated in the air, hovering above my head. My crown absorbed them all just like the first one earlier. My body glowed with greenish light from my head to tail. At the same time, all the gray wolves fell to the floor lifeless.

I hissed when I shed skin. My body changed accordingly. I was not as huge as Garridan's massive shifter body, but it was adequate to face our enemies, as more of them arrived.

"Tezy! Let's get out of here now!" Garridan told me with urgency.

There he went again. I wanted to oppose him, but it seemed that my body and will were owned by him. This was not right. He could not just control me as he wanted. Nonetheless, it was something I could not even fight against at the moment. I was certain that if I could just get all my powers back, he would not be able to command me like that.

I'm a deity! How dare he?

I shifted into my human form and put up a shield with one hand, when the gray wolves sprang into the air to attack us. They all bumped and bounced from the shield, shaking it and making it spark red and green. With my other hand, I summoned the portal to go back to Garridan's mother's place.

Using my powers, I pushed him towards the portal when he did not make a move.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

I followed him when he disappeared from the portal. He thought I would do something stupid again. I left the shield burning, before I entered the portal, leaving the wolves to go ablaze.

The portal closed. We were surrounded immediately by the werewolf prisoners I rescued, together with Dušan and her sister Zorica.

"You brought them here?" Garridan confronted me, shifting into his human form. His nose flared, and his eyes were fiery as he regarded me.

Dušan had to turn around and cover her sister's eyes. I waved a hand and put a white silk robe on Garridan's naked body.

"Calm down, Garridan. Where else could I have sent them? I don't know other places here," I pointed out, glancing at the prisoners that were still in their wolf forms.

Without thinking, I just waved my hand carelessly and realized that I had turned them into their human forms with their clothes on. The shock in their eyes was more than obvious. I was even surprised with myself for having done it.

"N-no one..." One of them started but trailed away, not knowing how to put it.

"You and I are going to talk later!" Garridan said to me firmly, waving a finger in front of my face. He then turned and went into his mother's house to check on her. I remembered to put the shield down, amazed that it was still up, so no one could leave and enter.

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