"I guess, kinda," Newt replies with a little laugh.

"So, did we keep the promise?"

"Uhm, not always, sadly. We kinda had our ups and downs. But it was all my fault every time."

"How? Are you that bad of a friend?"

Y/n means it as a joke, but it kinda hurt Newt.

"I sometimes wasn't feeling so good, and I... like... locked everyone out.

"Like you're doing right now?"

"Maybe, yeah... Also, with Rebecca, when you sat at another table because she was too annoying. But I stayed because I kinda liked her."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, she didn't only fake feelings for Minho. She also did that with me, and you discovered it.
And both Gally and I made you talk about it. We kinda kidnapped you that night, so you would tell the truth."

"In my memory, that was only Gally. But it is weird, like the memorie doesn't have an ending. I don't remember what happened after I talked with Gally."

"That's probably because we had spent the rest of the night together, alone. To kinda protect you for Rebecca. We had a lovely talk that night."

"I feel so sorry, Newt. I really feel bad that I don't remember anything of it. It sounds like I meant a lot to you."

"That's right, and you still do. Don't be sorry about it.
So is this working a bit?"

"No idea, it does something. Not that I remember, but it is confusing the memories. Like my head knows there's something wrong with it."

"I have an idea. Can I maybe have your hand? And give it a little masage?
I sometimes did that when we were talking."

"Uhm, sure."

Newt takes her hand with his both hands, finally again. He feels the butterflys in his stomach again.

"So, did anything else happen between us?" Y/n asks.

"You did try to kiss me when you were drunk. That's not even long ago."

That gives Y/n a little eror in her head. Like they're holding the memory back that she's trying to remember.

"Newt, did I run in the Maze?"

"You did."

"Why? I would never go in there."

"You were running after me. The Griever you remember, it graped me and took me in the Maze. And you followed, you wanted to save me. But these guards, something like that, took you."

"That means I gave a lot about you too."

It stays silent for a few minutes.

"This is very confusing, Newt. My head doesn't make any sense right now.
It's like the memories are there, but I can't reach them."

Newt just gives her a little smile.

"Why would the creators do something like this? Wiping away my memories with only one person?" Y/n wonders.

"I wish I knew."

"There must be something special about us. This never happened to anyone else."

"Maybe it's because we are both like very cool. And together, it was too much."

They both laugh.

"I should go again now. Thanks for this, Newt. I'll see you soon."

"Goodbye, my love," Newt wispers when the girl is going away.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now