Arc 4: Let Me Protect You (X)

Start from the beginning

Thunder flashed through his mind. Abroad? Don't tell him that his trip abroad was also set up in advance by Keke? He had known ahead of time that they might be in danger?

No, Keke, how could you do this? We are brothers, family, and we should face any danger together. If his safety was obtained in exchange for their lives, how could he peacefully life on?

Feng Juan only now understood just how much Keke cared for him.

"What is the current situation?" Feng Juan composed himself as a storm raged in his eyes.

"Bruno helped us monitor their cell phones. They are preparing to leave for Green Wheat Farm. We will place the farm under surveillance before they arrive."

"I understand." Feng Juan hung up and dug out his papers before rushing to the airport with his cell phone and laptop.

The next day, the bald man and the others continued on their way with Shang Ke and the Ferrg couple.

Their entire trip was unimpeded, and the closer they got to Green Wheat Farm, the less traffic there was.

Ten hours later, the group finally arrived at the destination. Before their eyes was a dense land of corn, and the horizon stretched as far as they could see. The farm was very old-fashioned with a harvest machine parked on the land while a couple piles of hay were piled up in the corner. Two middle-aged farmers were currently busy in the courtyard.

"Where's the money hidden?" The bald man watched the surroundings vigilantly, his gaze stopping on the two farmers for a second.

Shang Ke turned his head to look at the warehouse not too far from them and replied, "I only know that a portion is buried somewhere in the warehouse. You guys have to find the exact position yourself."

The bald man indicated for his subordinates to go take a look before glaring at Shang Ke fiercely and ordering, "Don't you dare try to play tricks, or else I will kill them where they stand."

He pointed the gun's muzzle at the Ferrg couple.

They waited outside for a long time and the people that went into the warehouse never came back out.

The bald man sensed that something was finally wrong and was just about to question him when fully armed police rushed out from the corn crops and surrounded them tightly.

The bald man and the others quickly grabbed the Ferrg couple and threatened, "Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot them."

The criminals wore a nervous expression, but no one dared to grab Shang Ke as hostage, causing him to stand there all alone.

"How did you guys find us?" The bald man asked then as if he realized something, he turned to Shang Ke. "It was you! You have a tracking device on you!"

"No, I don't have any tracking device on me." Shang Ke said indifferently. "The tracking device was on you guys."

The bald man froze, then immediately reacted and took out his cell phone. With a bellow, he slammed the cell phone onto the floor.

"I actually forgot you were a hacker! Haha, good good, I really grew complacent. Then everyone can die together here!" The bald man aimed at the Ferrg couple and pulled the triggers.

Shang Ke's eyes and hands were quick and held his wrist and turned it. With a "bang", the gun shot empty.

At the same time, the surrounding police started to attack and the criminals tried to find places to hide.

Shang Ke pulled aside the Ferrg couple and stood in front of them.

The bald man raised his gun and aimed at the bomb on Shang Ke's body, crazily laughing, "Now, let me test the power of the bomb on you."

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