⨳ 13

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Chenle sent a glare towards Lucas, before his eyes hit the ground, opening his mouth to speak

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Chenle sent a glare towards Lucas, before his eyes hit the ground, opening his mouth to speak.

“We have our points to prove.”, Chenle said, finally answering Yuzhuo's earlier question, his voice soft and in a mere whisper.

Yuzhuo was taken aback by this, not expecting such a soft tone to ever come out of his mouth.

She scanned his face, noticing how his left cheek was beginning to swell.

Her heart ached seeing the painful bruise of his cheek. She couldn't wrap her finger around it, but Chenle always seemed to get to her somehow.

With a small sigh, Yuzhuo turned towards Renjun. “Renjun, gun.”.

Renjun raised a brow. “Why?”, he questioned as he took out his gun before handing it to her.

“While you guys are having a fist fight, your weapons could be put to use by taking out other students. Starting with these two.”, she said.

Yuzhuo then pointed her gun at Hendery and Lucas with a dark glint in her eyes. The two tensed up under her intimidating gaze.

“Who the hell are you?!!”, Lucas asks, clearly bothered by her presence.

“That's none of your business!”, Chenle spoke up in defense of her, pulling her slightly closer to him unconsciously.

“Why are you even protecting her?!”, Hendery growled, suspicious of the girl.

“Hendery... I'm fucking warning you!!”, Jaemin growled back, his gun pointing right at him.

Yuzhuo opened her mouth, ready to defend herself, until the sudden voice of Chenle yelling at the top of his lungs took them all off guard.

“She's my girlfriend!!!”.

Silence fell upon them as Chenle glared at both Hendery and Lucas, placing a firm grip around Yuzhuo's waist.

Yuzhuo widened her eyes, her mouth dropping at the words that had just left their student council president's mouth.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!! ZHONG CHENLE!”, Yuzhuo screamed in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Chenle ignored her outburst and instead continued with his words.

“There! You have your answer. Now get the fuck out of my school!!”, he growled, his eyes threatening them.

Hendery and Lucas stared at Yuzhuo for a second before gathering the students of their school, taking Chenle's threat seriously.

Renjun followed them out with an angry glare, still pissed about what had happened. “Assholes!”.

“Wait! Okay! Are we just going to ignore how Chenle called Yuzhuo his girlfriend?!?”, Jaemin questioned in disbelief. “She isn't.”, Chenle clarified.

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