But before they both stop laughing I heard one more laugh and trust me that laughter's voice is very bad like CHUDEL. How can anyone find people attractive by their laugh here I was looking at her like I saw live CHUDEL.

I looked at bhabhi because I know only bhabhi can shut their mouth. And as I said bhabhi told them to stop laughing and asked to Hippo.

Divya:- "How can you do that Chhoti? How can you make a fun of my Baby?"

She said and soothing my hair as I was sitting infront of her. But before anyone can say anything my jealous BB said.

Varun:- "YYAAHHH... I'm your baby not he and stop baby sitting him he is big now to handle his matter if you wants to do baby sitting then do that to me and I can also do something to bring another baby if you want to do baby sitting."

As BB said that Bhabhi widened her eyes and Hippo start laughing and I was looking at BB like what are you even saying.

After that bhabhi twisted BB's ear and and started scolding him with blush on her face.

Divya:- "What are you even saying Varun. Are you out of your mind. We are outside so atleast act like you are mature now. What baby, baby Haan?"

BB widened his eyes and said dramatically.

Varun:- "You dirty dirty girl. What are you even thinking? I was telling you that I can also bring neighbour's child. I was not talking about doing anything with you which you think. Divya,you are very dirty girl."

As BB said that Bhabhi's nose, cheeks, ear everything turned red.

Divya:- "YOU..."

Varun:- "Yes, I what BABY??"

Divya:- "I'll see you later."

Varun:- "Why later BABY. I'm all yours to see or do anything here, there, any where. BABY."

I was looking at them with adorable look. I also wish that my and PUNGI'S relationship will be also like this. But where is she? Before I go deep in thoughts Hippo said.

Niyati:- "Stop it guys, I'm very open minded but I don't want to see anything more than kiss because my eyes, lips, ears, nose everything are still vargin guys."

As she said that BB clear his thorat and said.

BB :- "Ok, for kya huva to. Tum dono ke bicha?"

Niyati:- "This time I will spoke and you both listen."

After that she said all the things to them till how I won the match, how she felt bad because no one was supporting us, how she cheered for us and how she hoped that our team won. Everything she told them then BB said.

Varun:- "See I told you my carrot is unique. She never do anything Which can make someone uncomfortable."

He spoke like a proud big brother. And side hugged her.

Divya:- "ok,ok. Now stop and let's order something I'm very hungry. And you both from now on stop with your drama and behave like adult ok? No more blabbering."

Divya:- "yes, and stop calling eachother with that Billu and Hippo name. Start calling with name to eachother."

Varun:- "yes, and if you both don't know eachother name than let me introduce you both. Carrot he is Advik my younger brother and start calling him with his name. And Chhote she is Niyati Divya's younger sister and you also start calling her with her name."

As BB said that I start looking at my phone to avoid him because how can I tell him that I just can't called her by her name yaar.....

Varun:- "Oh yes, Divu. Mom and dad was missing you so she wanted to meet you as soon as possible. They told me to bring her daughter-in-law. So, whenever you are free just came home and bring carrot also so she can also meet mom and dad."

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