On Ashley's insistence, Pari also started to sit in college premises and not just in lectures. The college quadrangle was on the ground floor which had seating on all the corners. It also gave a view of the entire college building. Ever since Pari started seating with Ashley and her friends, she knew more gossip than ever and it was all fun when you get to put faces to the names you hear.

Ashley and her friends group were talking about the fresher's party that happened a few days ago. It seemed like the incidents were never ending.
The fresher's party was an unofficial party arranged in the nearby bar and restaurant, obviously Pari was neither interested, nor would she be allowed to go to such parties by her family. But she enjoyed all the gossips from the party - the proposals, flirting, couple dances and who drank the most and puked.

Pari was sitting with Ashish, her classmate at the back in one corner where noone would see them in the auditorium as Ashley was on stage, auditioning for the fashion team. Every year, their college participated in various inter-college competitions. The selection process to be a part of such teams were rigorous and only the best talents were selected by the seniors. Ashley wanted to participate in the fashion show and was auditioning for the same with other girls. Pari initially thought she would be bored to sit and watch others audition but it was actually amazing to sit there and pass judgements on the walks of the girls and boys with Ashish.

And then there was Noor Aly, Miss Fresher of the year. When she walked, Ashish's jaw dropped and Pari's expression almost mirrored Ashish. Everyone around were stunned when she walked! No wonder, she won the Miss Fresher Of The Year. She wore a sleeveless black top with a black skirt. As Noor walked and stood in the centre of the stage, all the seniors clapped and some even hooted.

As Noor stepped down from the stage, she went to her friends who cheered her and Salem hugged her tightly.
It was a great disappointment to the boys of St. Lawrence that Noor Aly was taken. Tina graduated last academic year and Pari didn't know what went wrong but as soon as this year started, Salem was dating Noor, the fresher.

The word was that Salem was with Tina when he started dating Noor and one day, Tina caught them both. It was a nasty breakup. The gossip was hot. But alot of girls in her class still liked Salem. They defended him by saying these are just rumours, may be it was a mutual break up. Additionally, Salem still behaved like a sweetheart with all of them. Pari felt a little distaste when she heard about Salem's cheating. She even went and told it to Priya.

"The library guy? But he was sweet then how can he cheat his girlfriend?" Priya questioned.

"That's what. Noone is worthy of trust." Pari shook her head.

"But you don't know what is the truth?! You shouldn't be so judgemental." Priya corrected her.

"Huh! You are a die hard romantic that's why you think he won't cheat. But  there is nothing like love. That's why I don't want to get stuck in this love web." Many would have thought that Pari would do a love marriage but in reality, she always told Priya that she would only marry the guy her parents choose. She never even gave 'love' a thought because she believed all boys will just want her for her face. Whereas, the guy her father would choose for her would be the right one.

She only saw Salem in college premise or canteen with his big group of friends. It seemed like she never knew him. One day, it came as a shocker when Salem entered the class and casually sat beside her. Ashley was absent so the seat beside her was empty. Ashish used to sit behind her and others were also in their usual seats.

Salem raised his eyebrows at her as a way of saying 'Hi.' He had never sat beside her in class but she didn't think much of it since she was used to his presence in the library. He had changed a bit. He was no more the clean shaven guy. He had stubble growing and his face also looked a bit different.

The lecture was too long and boring. Ashish tapped on Pari's shoulder to ask for pen as he ran out of the ink of his pen. She smiled at him. Salem felt a bit jealous of seeing her smile at him. He scooted a bit closer to her and stretched his hand over her seat. While she was busy taking notes, she realised he had just opened his book but was not writing anything at all. She noticed it but didn't say a word to him.

"Have a pen for me as well?" He asked her being very close to her ear. She shifted a little and gave him the pen.

"Not going to talk to me?" She didn't understand why is he being like this.

"Lecture." She muttered, hoping he doesn't disturb her anymore. And thankfully, he didn't ask anything. After, the lecture, he just left, not returning her pen to her. She was miffed that he didn't return it.

"Huh! What would he know the value of one pen?! Who is going to pay the cost of it?" She saw Ashish leaving but she stopped him and took her pen back. She didn't care if she was called stingy.

The next few weeks, he showed up to the lectures and preferred sitting beside him. He even requested Ashley to get up and she happily moved at his request. The class did notice how Salem chose to sit beside her and once when the lecture was over, they asked him subtly the reason.

"Oh guys, you don't know? Actually, Pari helped me with studies last academic year. I hope she will help me this year too." Everyone knew Pari was a good student but when had they meet? Ashley looked at Pari with betrayal for not telling her this.

Salem went out of the class with his friends and Pari followed him and stopped him.

"Why would you tell them that?" Pari asked.

Salem shrugged and said, "Did I lie? They asked me, so I answered." Pari thought for a moment. Sure, he didn't lie. But she was not comfortable with others knowing that Salem and her had some connection. The girls were already jealous of the perfect Noor. She didn't want any words about her in the college. These people were vile. They could spread anything behind her back.

"I would prefer you not sitting beside me next time." Pari was blunt with her words. Aman and the other friends felt a bit awkward listening to this. Pari didn't like being glared by others in the class or being the talking matter of the class.

"Then, I suggest you shift your place. I want to sit there only." Salem said.

"Why would I shift? It is my bench. You asked my friend to move. I don't want you to sit beside me." Pari stated angrily.

"Okay. Don't get so riled up." Salem smiled to let her know he was just joking and she left from there.

"She doesn't work at library anymore. Aman, help me with where she works now." Salem said.


Pari sighed a relief when Salem stopped seating beside her. But he started sitting with other girls in the class and flirting with them. Pari felt disgusted thinking of his relationship with Noor while he flirts with others. Now, she believed that he must have indeed cheated on Tina as well.

Outside class, she had also seen him with other girls in canteen. It didn't look like they were just being friends. She didn't believe that once she thought this guy was decent. Maybe, the modelling contract he got had got to his head and he started behaving like a playboy.

She had recently started working at Oliver's cafe near the college. It was a newly opened small cafe, paying her better than the library. She just had to maintain bills and accounts, looking pretty at the counter. She knew the owner hired her because she looked pretty and he believed it would attract customers. But she knew the cafe was actually good. The place was big enough with a coloured TV that played the matches or songs. Typically, the rich kids came here for dates.

She was busy checking the accounts, when she heard, "Hey sweetheart."

It was Salem leaning on the counter with a smile on his face.

"Are you stalking me?" Pari couldn't help but ask the question.


18th Sep 2023.

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Sorry, I had no time to write and update at all!!

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