Meeting the Allens

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It was a long time before her mind cleared into consciousness. Her still head ached but the air that surrounded her was not very cold. The hardwood that was beneath her was now replaced by soft cushions. Everything was much more, hm,  tolerable.

The thing that most comforted her was the sweet sense of freedom that bloomed in her chest, it was as though a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders. A weak smile crept upon her lips.

Just as her consciousness settled, so did the cacophony that surrounded her. An amalgamation of adult chatter, baby wailing and a rhythmic clickety click. She wondered where she was.

She tried to ignore her pounding head and ringing ears, to open her eyes and to look around. But the more that she tried the more that they intensified. Twisting and turning in her seat she moaned in pain.

A hand that gently settled on her shoulder made her jerk away in panic and wildly open her eyes. The shock at the blurry vision before her and the panic of prior made her let out a distressing shriek.

In the sudden silence that jarred the next moment, she wrapped her hands protectively across her legs and hurdled at the corner of her seat.

Just then, two large arms lifted her body off the seat and held her close to their form. Her heart beat fast and she struggled to get out of their grip by thrashing and squirming.

But the person held onto her with a gentle yet firm hand. Enduring her assault in patient silence.

Soon she gave into exhaustion and fell limp. Yet the tremors that wracked her body did not cease.

One hand rubbed her back while the other held her. Perhaps this was not the enemy, she thought weakly, perhaps this was a friend?

A long time passed and yet the arms did not let go of her. With every moment that passed they created a sort of protective shield around her.

When she timidly reopened her eyes again, it took her a while before she could focus.

She was aboard a train. In a compartment.

There were soft, flowery patterned cushions on the benches opposite to her. The windows to her left let in a golden hue that lightened up the entire compartment and all the dark varnished wood in the compartment excluded an air of luxury and comfort.

"Wh..why am I here?" A horse whisper came out of her parched throat. She looked up at the person holding her with a perplexed expression. Gazing back at her were a pair of striking hazel eyes.

Something in her expression changed and for a second her clouded memory cleared. Hazel pupils. Inside were the hues of green and brown with gold flecks.

Those magical eyes struck her memory and she clung to them. As her hand reached up to his face, he blinked.

The trance was broken and her mind went blank yet again. Quickly retreating her hand she held it to her chest.
Miss Bridget Allen regretted placing her hand on the distressed woman. For even though it was a gesture meant for comfort, she shouldn't have scared her so.

Confusion marred the woman's face as she looked upon her brother. Bridget could tell that the woman's fear had dissolved into hesitant apprehension. And though she did not seem to trust them yet, she was at least a little at ease.

Her brother, Major Elvin Allen, gave up his seat and let the women have some space, now that she no longer seemed to have been as shaken as she was before. Once he was away she wrapped her arms around her body.

"Who are you?" Her brother's quiet words came out.

"I…" she trailed. "I am…My name is…" she tried again. Her eyes glistened as she searched her mind for the answers. "I…I can't seem to remember."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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