|10| Leap Of Faith

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Chapter 10 - Leap Of Faith

——————Chapter 10 - Leap Of Faith——————

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"That's so cool. It's like negative energy."
Saturday 6:35pm | Earth-1610

No One's POV

Isla watched Miles struggle to get out of webs that kept him tied to a chair. She couldn't do anything since Peter also webbed her up, but to a wall.

She didn't really know how to feel. There were so many emotions going on inside her body that they blended together. She was angry at Kingpin for taking so many loved ones away. She was mad at Peter.

She grew to like him, to feel comfortable with him, and he's willing to throw away a chance to go back home and fix things with MJ for other Spider-People. She didn't want to lose him.

Maybe it was a bit of jealously for his selflessness. She didn't know.

She was also sad. She wanted to help Miles, knowing that he was also in pain, and there wasn't anything she could do to help him while being webbed to a wall.

She lost her dad when she was little, and barley remembers him other than the stories her mom used to tell her, but now she's gone too. That one hurt more.

She went to say something to Miles, but before she could get anything out, a knock was heard at the door.

"Miles. Miles, it's your dad." Jeff said. "Please open the door. Miles, I can see your shadow movin' around. Yeah, okay, I get it. I get it. You're still ignoring me. Look, can we talk for a minute? Rio, still trying to find Isla, and I'd prefer if she was here to hear this, but, um...something...something happened to-"

Both Isla and Miles already knew, and they could hear Jeff getting choked up.

"Look, sometimes people drift apart, Miles. And I don't want that to happen to us, okay? I know I don't always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say, but... I see this spark in you, and it's in Isla too. It's amazing. It's why I push you. But it's yours. Whatever you choose to do with it, you'll be great."

Isla saw Miles getting closer and closer to the door as Jeff spoke, now leaning against it.

"Look, call me when you can. Okay? And please, if you find Isla, or know where she is, bring her- bring her home. I love you. You don't have to say it back, though."

They heard Jeff walk away, and Miles pushed himself away from the door. He focused on what his dad said, he wanted to hug his dad and say those three words back to him, but he couldn't. Isla saw the electricity flows through him and he broke himself out of the webs and chair.

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