|7| Gwen Stacy

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Chapter 7 - Gwen Stacy

——————Chapter 7 - Gwen Stacy——————

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"You're cute."
Friday 4:25pm | Earth-1610

No One's POV

"He took a bagel!" One of the scientists yelled as they chased the three, Miles responding by throwing it back at the scientists.

"Okay, time to swing! Just like I taught ya." Peter said as they neared an edge.

"When did you teach us that?!" Miles asked him.

"I didn't. It's a little joke for team-building."

Peter threw them a pair of webshooters, Isla catching them while Miles fumbled them, catching it right at it almost fell over the edge. Isla held onto his waist so he didn't fall over.

"Alright, you two ready?"


"Of course I'm not ready!"

Peter didn't give them much of a choice as he shot their webshooters for them just as they were getting shot at.

"I can't do this yet!" Miles yelled.

Isla had some experience of swinging because she begged her Peter to teach her when she was little.

"Everybody knows that the best way to learn is under intense life-threatening pressure." Peter said as he swung.

"I don't think it works like that all the time!" Isla told Peter before Miles hit a tree. "Miles!"

As Miles fell, he tried to use his webshooters, but it only attached to a small stick that broke and he fell to the ground. Isla went to help him, but Peter shook his head at her.

"Miles, run!" Isla yelled when she saw the scientists right there.

"What are you doing down there!" Peter asked him.

"I run better than I swing!"

"You gotta swing or they'll catch you."

"I don't want a dead best friend!" Isla exclaimed.

"This is what you wanted!"

Isla gasped when she saw her mom and Octavious in their...outfits. Miles began running again as Octavius chased him and Isla began to swing faster as her mom flew towards her.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Miles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now