Chapter 11

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I take a deep breath and walk into the station, head held high. Lucy and Nyla walk in behind me, both trying and failing to hide the expression of pride on both of their faces. A small smile sits on my lips. Some people are looking at me, but I ignore it. Today is going to be a good day, I've got this. I head for the locker rooms, Lucy and Nyla still walking right behind me.


I'm sat waiting for roll call to begin when Olivia comes and sits beside me.

"Hey Olivia, how's it going?"
I ask her, smiling.

She scoffs and ignores me, facing the front. What did I do? I think to myself as the smile fades from my face. I guess I'll just wait for Sargent Grey to come in. Right on cue, in walks Grey, a cold look on his face, this can't be good.

"Morning everyone. I'm afraid I have some disappointing news. As some of you may have noticed, one of our rookies is missing. Officer Smith was fired last night after he was caught using narcotics on shift. He has also been taken into custody at a different station. He will not be returning to police work."

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