special #1

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So, I chose a person but I'll reveal them later ok!

This special takes place just after they left Wano

On the Sunny's deck-

Third-person POV-

It was noon when Luffy was seen walking around looking nervous and scared. Nobody else was on deck as they were waiting in the captain's quarter for Lu to start the meeting she had arranged.

Luffy's POV-

I am so dead! I forgot that today, family game week starts! And I didn't tell them! Oh, I'm so SO dead!

Flashback to an hour ago-

I was just reading a book and enjoying the smoothy Sanji made for me while out on deck until I heard a 'poof'.

I got curious and went to see. It was Sonia looking for me, "ah, Lu, there you are," "what are you doing here, Sonia?"

"Did you really forget?! It's your family's game week! I can't believe you forgot! And oh, also, your grandpa wanted you to bring someone with you while Ace wants you to get his boyfriend"


I caught Sonia trying to escape to the kitchen, "hey!!"

End of flashback-

I sigh as I walk to the captain quarter and sat between Zoro and Nami.

"Ahem, so my family has a family game and bonding week, and Gramps told me to take a friend with me!" I said as I took a sip from the drink that Sanji prepared for me.

"Well, that's a problem since you said that your family is overprotective, even thinking about how they'll react to you fighting Kaido sends shivers in my skin، although I don't have any, Yohohoho!"

"That doesn't help with the situation Brook," Ussop said to the skeleton, "well, I've got a plan and I need y'all to..." Luffy then told her plan to them.

Time skip to two hours later-

_________'s POV-

We arrived at Luffy's house - can it even be called a house I mean it is so large that it feels like a giant mansion, or even a castle.

I am VERY nervous but I will NEVER show it, not after all the training I have gone through! Not a- oh shit!!!! I paled.

There, in front of me, stood Ace and Sabo giving me death glares. I remembered what Luffy taught me 'stand your ground! They won't bite! THEY WON'T BITE!!'.

"Ace! Sabo! Long time no see!!!" Luffy shouted and ran to hug them, "Luf, I missed you too lil sis!!" 'Fire fist' Ace said as he patted her head, "yeah, really, I haven't seen you in three years!!" Said the blonde man known as Sabo 'the chief of staff' of the revolutionary army.

I was so distracted by the scene in front of me that I didn't notice someone approaching me from behind. " hey _________~" I heard a very scary, spine chilling voice coming from behind me.

I knew who's it was but OH BOY was it scary. This voice belonged to Garp the fist. He was standing behind me, looking at me with the most bloodlust eyes and killing intent.

Just then, my savior talked, "oh, hi ji-chan~!!" The girl whome I've fell in love with chirped.

"hello my beloved granddaughter!! How have you been!!" Garp said with a very large smile, "oh, I'm good, what about you!!!!" "I'm fi-" before Garp could finish his sentence the door to the mansion opened and revealed dragon inside.

"Welcome back, come in" Dragon said with a warm smile? I didn't know he could smile, I heard that he never smiles but there he is, smiling. Well, I guess I shouldn't trust whatever people say.

Two hours later-

Ughh finally I got away from them, and I get my own room, I thought I'm going to share with someone. Well they ARE rich, I think.

A few seconds of silence and then my door got kicked open, "AAAGGHHAAAGGHH" Ace and Sabo broke through, screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" I screamed at them. (A/N: I looooovvvveee drama!)

Next day-

Luffy's POV-

AAAGGGHHHH!!!!! WHY ARE THEY SO DAMN LOUD AT 7 IN THE FREAKING MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait *sniff*... is that pancakes????!!!!


sorry that I haven't updated for so long!! I really am!!!

it's just that my phone broke just the week after I posted the ships requests (I'm writing with a PC) and I had a lot of exams.

Anyway, I'm planning to stop writing for a bit - not quitting - it's just my schedule is full those days. Sorry

Well, have a great day/night.

I'm out! PEACE!!

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