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After they landed in the mansion the ASL siblings lived in. They heard Ace scream.

Luffy's POV:

What a day!

First, Ussop and Chopper were fighting and I had to stop them. Secondly, Sonia came and told my crew one of my secrets. And then, there's the problem of Ace blaming himself for the old man's death. *Sigh* let's get back to what's happening right now.



"Phew, that was close, i thought they were going to stop me and shower me in questions" i said, relief washing over me.

"Yeah, but I still don't understand why you wanted to keep that a secret?" Sonia asked me while we were making our way to Ace's room.

"You'll see soon but now that we're here, let's go check on Ace."

Third person POV:

Both Sonia and Luffy entered the big room and saw ace sitting in the middle, sniffing, surrounded by fire.


"Ace!!!" Luffy shouted, sadness clear in her voice.



Ace looked up and saw his sister. He was feeling embarrassed and disappointed in himself. How could his baby sister see him in that state? How was he going to face her? She saw him cry like A CRYBABY!!

"Why are you crying" Luffy said, softly, looking in her brother's eyes sadly.

"L- Luffy! I- I -" he said, tears staining his eyes.

" Shhh- it's ok" Luffy said, hugging him, "you'll be alright"



How are you doing 😊

Today's Eid!! Eeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!

Also, i just wanted to tell you that this story takes place after the fishman arc. There will be some flashbacks later in the story also Sonia's history with luf.

Ok enough of that,
See ya next time 🙂

Peace :-)

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