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Amity: Sweet Potato
Luz: Good Witch Luz
Gus: Bucketman
Hunter: Clapjack
Willow: Flyer Derby Pro
Eda: Eda the Owl Lady
Raine: Rainestorm
Lilith: Lulu
Hooty: Hootcifer
King: The King of Demons
Viney: Detentiongal
Vee: Vivi
Masha: Mash
Skara: Skar Skar
Jerbo: Flyer Derby Traitor
Barcus: Good Dog
Kikimora: I stole a grimwalker's ps5
Camila: Camila
Boscha: Grudgebymaster
Mattholomule: Man Tholomule

Note: I'll add more characters in the group chat, I'll let you know if I added someone.


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