"Bella? Are you okay?" He asked.
"I don't know, I just got really dizzy" I say leaving out the whole faint feeling. It was probably from not eating the past few days. At least not eating was helping me lose weight as much as it made me weak.
"Come on, sit up on my bed while I get changed then we are off to the doctors. The others are most likely still asleep so this is perfect timing" He said while helping me up to his bed. I sat down but felt faint again so I laid back. He looked at me worried but hurried off to his bathroom. A few minutes later he came back out and carried me bridal style downstairs. He took me to the lounge room. Iza grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and made a note to the others.

'We went to the doctors, be back soon- Iza, Isabella' I quickly took the pen and paper off him and added my personal note to them.

'Oi, I am still fucking pissed at you lot but will keep you shitheads updated-Isabella'

Iza giggled after reading my part, he placed it on the bench then came over to me and picked me back up. We went to the garage and got in a random car. I think it was Levi's car to be honest but Iza didn't care and neither did I. We drove for about 10 minutes before pulling in front of their base. He helped me out of the car but I told him I could walk now that the faint and dizzy feeling had sided. We went in and went directly to the medical wing which I was seen straight away.

About an hour later we had finished all the tests and then the doctor came back with results.

"Alright Miss Roccia, the results have all came back and it appears you have an iron deficiency. We have also discovered you are no longer suffering from OCD and PTSD. You stil have your trauma however, it is no longer considered PTSD." The doctor said with mixed emotions. I took a moment to process before losing it.
"It appears this is a new condition to your body. Have you been eating over the past couple of days?" The doctor, Clara, asked.
"Umm, No I have been too nauseous even by just looking at food" I said while not looking at Iza who was staring at me. After the rest of the appointment Iza and I headed back to the car. I had some new pills I needed to take in the morning and in the afternoon. I also had another pill for if I feel faint after exercising. We went back home and went inside where the rest of my brothers were all situated at the dining table. Iza and I sat down next to each other.

"Isabella, How was the appointment?" Asked Marketti.
"It was fine." I lied.
"Actually Bella has an iron deficiency and has some new medicines. She also is cleared from OCD and PTSD" Iza added smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Marketti.
"Mhm, We will make sure to keep on top of them" Marketti said calmly which surprised me.
"When do you need your meds?" Asked Levi.
"I need one in the morning, one in the afternoon then I have different pills for if I feel faint when exercising so I don't pass out" I mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. We spoke some more about it and about the ball before the door bell interrupted us. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 3:30pm meaning it would be Emilia and Luna. I got up to answer the door and sure enough it was them.

"Hey guys. How are you?" I asked while letting them in. They walked in and took their shoes off. I never took mine off unless I am sleeping oddly.
"I am okay, missing Dante abit" Luna replied tearfully. I went against my brains wishes and gave her a comforting hug. I released her and turned to see Emilia crying as well. I couldn't break. I put my emotionless look on and built my walls higher. I went over to Emilia and gave her a hug which Luna ended up joining in. We let go and turned to see all my brothers looking at us weirdly. I death glared them before I noticed Victor blushing and looking at Emilia. I groaned and pulled my friends to my room. I shut the door and we started talking and watching movies.

Mafia's Taken SisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ