Chapter 9: The Battle of Markarth

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Dawn has set within the Reach, and daily life has begun within the stoned walls of Markarth. Gwenivere reports to Ondolemar for what she found in her search. "Uncle, I have found evidence of Dovahkiin's last whereabouts." Gwen said.

"You have? What has become of him?" Ondolemar questioned. "Upon my search at the Talos Shrine, I found the Amulet of Akatosh that I gave him as a gift from when I first met him." Gwen explained. "It certainly means that he did start the search from where we asked him." Ondolemar added, looking at Evanius with a sharp look.

"It's not all, when I arrived there. I was stopped by a very suspicious guard at the entrance of the shrine. Preventing anyone access to it." Gwen digressed about the strange encounter. "A Nord guard? Preventing access to their God? How ironic." Evanius laughed.

"Indeed. But that's where it got weirder. Why would a Nord restrict access to their place of worship that they fight so hard to keep alive? I suspect that he had something to do with Dovahkiin's disappearance." Gwen further questioned the situation.

Evanius and Ondolemar looked at each other in confusion with what Gwen had said. "What would you suggest? We track down and question the suspicious guard on where our asset has gone off to?" Evanius asked in curiosity.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting Evanius." Gwen replied. Ondolemar sighs in frustration. "Once again, our duty has grown to be more complicated as it seems in this bloody city. Very well, we'll follow your lead, Gwenivere." Ondolemar said angrily that there is more going on, than just illegal Talos worshipping. Gwen nodded and the three left the office to start their search.

At the Cidhna Prison Mine, Dovahkiin had been asked by the Forsworn King himself, to aid him in slaughtering everyone within the city of Markarth, to essentially reclaim the land that they deem belong to original inhabitants. The Forsworn tribes. It is obvious that Madanach is not going to be persuaded or reasoned with. So Dovahkiin tries anyway.

"Why must you do this? Certainly, the Forsworn and the people of Skyrim can co-exist." Dovahkiin persisted. Madanach looked at him with a cold look.

"Impossible, these lands have been stolen from us, and the blood of our people has been spilt enough because of it and the survivors are treated like trash. The Great War happened thirty years ago, and that blasted Ulfric Stormcloak did such atrocities to us Forsworn in the means of heroics. The people who trespass on our lands will die, nothing more." Madanach retaliated, pleading his case from past events.

"Then, I'm sorry....... You are mistaken, my "King", I will not serve you and your heartless goals of conquest." Dovahkiin replied, giving Madanach his final answer. "Strange....... My visions didn't foresee this outcome, is this your final decision?" Madanach said, not accepting that his visions were wrong about the Dragonborn.

"I'll take my chances, I'm no one's thrall." Dovahkiin made clear. "So be it...." Madanach replied, pulling out a silver sword from under his bed and swung at the Dragonborn. Which Dovahkiin quickly dodges narrowly getting swiped by its blade. "If I can't have you, then you are now an enemy of the Forsworn!" Madanach shouted, showing his true colors and demeanor.

Within the city, Gwen, Ondolemar and Evanius search for the suspicious guard. They patrolled the streets, receiving stares from the locals. "So......Gwen which guard is it? There are a lot of them in this city." Ondolemar questioned. "Upon my encounter. I noticed that the guard in question, wears a very primitive looking armband, made to what I assume to be of saber cat fur and teeth." Gwen explained. "Very peculiar, even for a guard in a backwater city." Evanius boasted, but he was right.

The three High Elves searched around the marketplace and forging area for the guard. So far, nothing but noticed that some guards are cloth armbands with the insignia of the Silverblood family while the rest do not.

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