"Did you forget it's my turn?" I tease, my actions negating my words. I move his hand until it's laying under the fabric of my panties, his fingers hovering over my folds.

"No," he answers.

"Good," I step out of my pants before taking his hand, that hasn't moved, into my own.

Malik says nothing as I lead him away from the door and the small pile of clothes that sat messily on my floor. We pass by Baisely who slept comfortably on her bed. I got her an instant feeder which put food in her bowl every time it got empty. She eats three times a day with water to aid her while I'm gone, and is sleeping comfortably when I come home.

Malik doesn't spare her a glance, his gaze locked in on my figure. I don't have to look at him to know he's focused on me. We move quickly up the stairs and into my room that looks more than neat from my rearranging it. My bed is made with black, silk sheets and a dark purple comforter that I use on cold nights. My floor is covered by a soft, lush carpet that's bare of everything but a pair of my heels. A Tv is mounted on my cream colored walls with two desks sitting on both sides of it. One for my personals like clothes and accessories, and one for things like makeup.

"I've been working all day," I announce, giving Malik my attention once again, "and you've been doing you."


"And even if your godly fingers made me cum," I smirk at the memory, "and you put them in your mouth, I want to be fresh before we continue."

"No," he argues, stepping up to me, "no."

"Don't you want to be clean for my mouth?" I taunt, "so I can suck you dry with no problems?"

He falters at my words, his hand lingering on the edge of my panties. They're laced and seemingly see through, slightly showing what waits underneath.

"Don't you want my body fresh and ready for your cock?" I continue.

That seems to do everything because he takes the smallest step back. I take a step forward, so that my body is almost flushed against his own. We hold eye contact the entire time, his head tilting down just the slightest bit to maintain it. I slowly slide his shirt up until it's scrunched at his shoulders. Malik lifts his arms, allowing me to take his shirt completely off before throwing it to the floor, disregarding it completely. I drag my hands down his body until I'm at the waist of his pants.

Malik gets the hint, and puts my hands back on his abs before unbuttoning his pants himself. He tugs them down and lets them fall to his feet. I stop him before he can remove his briefs next.

"There's a guest bathroom just down the hall from my room. Freshen up a bit, but don't take too long."

He nods, but doesn't move an inch. I almost laugh, but instead manage a small smile. I push my hands into his stomach, barely moving his figure but giving the hint that he should go if he wants to quicken things. I watch as his eyes study my face, possibly searching for a certain expression that could be there. I don't budge an inch, keeping my original statement and finally he turns away before leaving my room.

I let out a breath that seemed trapped in my lungs, and strip off the two remaining pieces of clothes that clung to my body. I take my time in walking to my bathroom, too busy grinning at the turn of things. Having Malik in my home for such acts isn't something I thought would happen so soon. A little teasing in my office, sure, and the meeting and fucking at that intoxicating club. I see how they got the name.

I clip my hair into a ponytail as I enter my bathroom and turn on the steaming water. While waiting for it to reach the temperature I like, I set out my lotions and perfume. I praise myself for shaving this morning even if I didn't expect for this happen. Afterwards, I hop in the shower and grab my favorite soap before starting to clean my body. My door is wide open, in case Malik finished before me, and happened to look in. Teasing can go a long way, and it's my favorite game to play.

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