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On the next day, Tatia, Elijah, Niklaus and I make our way to a neighbouring village. According to a friend of Finn's, this is where our alpha lives. And since he is the alpha, it doesn't take us long to find his hut. When we get there, we see a man chopping wood in front of the hut. He is tall, visibly strong and appears to be in his 50s. His clothes are fine and sturdy, though a little old. His hair is dark with a few grey strands in it and he has a short beard. When he sees us, he stops in his actions and lays the axe aside.

Niklaus holds us back from approaching any further.
"I... I think I need to do this part alone."

"Of course, my love." Tatia squeezes his hand supportively, "We'll join you when you're ready."

"Thank you."

My brother-in-law slowly makes his way to the man, seeing that he is standing there and expecting him. When Niklaus reaches him, the man begins to smile tenderly.

I see Niklaus drawing in a deep breath. "Are you... Ansel?"

The man nods, but doesn't say anything.

"I- I believe you... used to know my mother... Esther." my brother-in-law tentatively approaches the subject.

Ansel nods again, tears glistering in his eyes. He lays a hand on Niklaus' shoulder.

"You're my son

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"You're my son."

His other hand comes to cup Niklaus' cheek and before his still really tense son can comprehend what's happening, he pulls him in for a hug. A hug that is not rejected, but not reciprocated either. Niklaus seems slightly frightened and uncomfortable, but also hesitantly hopeful. The sight is really touching.

A short while later, we all sit outside the hut whith Ansel. His wife, Mina, brings us all some beer before she joins us, sitting next to her husband. At first, there are some awkward glances flying around and a few weird moments, but then, Mina rolls her eyes and tells us to relax, explaining that Niklaus had been long born before she and Ansel got married and that she had known all about Esther and Niklaus from the start. That makes it considerably easier for most of us.

Ansel is still busy admiring his son. "You know," he says, "your mother was quite adamant in keeping you within the borders of her family. You were already born by the time I found out you existed. Esther had made it very clear that she wouldn't let me come near you. I felt like I had to respect her decision, but..." he sighs tenderly, "I've always wanted to meet you."

"Were you ever going to approach me?" Niklaus asks, his voice sounds strained, as if he's trying to hold back tears.

His father's expression saddens. "I wanted to. I just always thought it would be better not to."

"Better? Or easier for you?" His tone becomes biting.

Surprise and hurt mix on Ansel's face. "Easier for me? Niklaus, nothing could be further from the truth. I refrained from approaching you because I wanted what's best for you. If I had revealed the truth, Esther's husband would have cast you out. You would have been treated like a bastard, honorless, an outcast of a broken family. I couldn't do that to you. As long as Mikael didn't know, you would always have a home and a family. I had no right to take that from you, even though not being able to talk to you was killing me inside every day. In order to make it more bearable, I sometimes checked in on you over the years." He smiles proudly, "I saw you playing with your siblings, learning how to use a bow, dancing at the fire on Samhain... you seemed to have a wonderful life. I couldn't destroy that for my own selfish desire to know you."

"You never saw him with Mikael, did you?!" Elijah asks, sounding like he already knows the answer.

The sight of Ansel shaking his head confirms it.
"Why? Is there something wrong with Esther's husband?"

Tatia, Elijah, Niklaus and I exchange a few glances with each other.
"You could say that." I say.

"Why? What did he do?" Ansel's tone changes from confused to worried with a readiness for anger.

We look to Niklaus. Mikael's abuse stories are not ours to tell, so it's up to him. The future hybrid thinks it over for a few seconds. Then, he exchanges a glance with his wife, who gives him an encouraging nod. Finally, he draws a deep breath and meets his father's gaze.
Over the next two hours, Niklaus tells his father everything he's been wanting to get off his chest about Mikael. At some points, I see tears shimmering in his eyes, at other points, his eyes are blazing hot and his voice rumbles with anger.

When Niklaus finishes his story, Ansel looks at him with pain and anger. "If that man wasn't providing for your mother and siblings, I would kill him right now."

"That's actually not a bad idea." I comment.

Elijah, Tatia and Niklaus all turn to me and Elijah gives me a horrified look. "Elena!"

"Tell me I'm wrong." I meet his gaze, unblinking. My fiance looks me in the eye for a few seconds, then looks away and sighs, basically saying I'm right.

Ansel's wife clears her throat. "By the way... I know you two are brothers, but how come your wives look so much alike? If I didn't know any better, I'd say, they're the same woman."

"We're sisters." Tatia replies.

For a second, she look at me, but neither of us need to talk in order to know that this is the version we'll be going with in front of Ansel and his family. For now, at least.


Sometime later, we make our way back home. At Tatia and Niklaus' hut, we are greeted by the sight of Rebekah playing with little Haakon. My future sister-in-law seems quite enamoured by my nephew.

"Look at her." Elijah smiles, "I can't wait to have one of those little ones of our own." He gives me a suggestive look.

I narrow my eyes a bit. "Not while we live with your parents."

"My family is lovely, thank you very much!" my fiance protests.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tatia asks.

Elijah turns his head to her. "After our wedding, Elena and I will be living with my family."

"Which I'm dreading. I mean, Elijah, you know how much I love you, but your father and I do not get along. He hates my guts. And frankly, that feeling is quite mutual. Are we sure there isn't another way?"

"I'm afraid not." Elijah says. He doesn't sound particularly sorry, I may add.

Tatia furrows her brows at me. "Does that mean you've changed your mind about marrying him?"

"No!" I exclaim, "God, no. No, it's just... inconvenient? I've never lived with people who hated me before. I guess it'll... be an experience."

"I'm sure it will be, my darling." Elijah seems even less bothered this time.

But before I get the chance to say anything more, Haakon comes rushing over and eagerly greets his mother with a hug. Niklaus puts one hand on his wife's shoulder while shortly rubbing his stepson's back in a silent greeting with the other. When I look at the three of them, I feel a warm sting in my chest. They're a family. A happy family. I want to have that too. With Elijah.

Turning back to my fiance, I stroke his cheek with my hand, feeling the roughness of his slight stubble under my fingers. "I love you."

"Oh, I love you too. Very much so." he replies and lets his arms rest around my shoulders.

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