The Spell

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We are standing in the woods near Mystic Falls. I texted my friends to stay away from the woods and maybe keep the originals busy with something else in town. Kol is standing before me. We are surrounded by a circle of salt in which we have drawn all the necessary runes and signs for the performance of the spell.

The dark hazel eyes I am gazing into are more sincere than I have ever seen them before. Slowly, without breaking our gaze, we interwine our fingers and tightly hold onto our hands. Between one set of interlaced hands, there is the diamond Kol brought from New York and in the other, there is the silver dagger, ready to be turned into a gold one that could strike down an original hybrid.

Kol gives me an encouraging smirk. "Ready when you are, darling."

The wind in the trees around us starts to rush as we chant. I feel a strange sensation forming between Kol and myself. A tingling that slowly begins in my fingertips and spreads through my entire body. It's energy, magic energy. I feel it more present by the minute. Our incantaion channels it and sends it right to the dagger between our hands. I can feel the magic on the dagger changing, evolving, becoming stronger.

But I don't know if its fundament changes, because I am not looking at it. Throughout the whole time, I am looking nowhere but into Kol's eyes. He is holding my gaze, silently telling me that I am not alone in this and providing me with the strength I need.

Eventually, the energy flow ends and the wind calms down as we stop chanting.

With a feeling of anticipation, I look at the dagger.

"Oh my god!" I say and let a beaming smile rise on my face. It worked! The dagger has turned gold. We have a weapon to kill Klaus now!

Kol returns my smile. The look he is appraising me with speaks of pride. "You did it, darling! I knew you could!"

I squeeze his hand in gratitude.


On the next day, I ask Elena to meet me in my house. It is spelled so the hybrid outside will not be able to hear a word we say. I explain everything that happened yesterday to her.

"That's amazing! How are you going to do it? Is Kol just going to dagger Klaus when he isn't looking?" Elena asks me.

I shake my head. "We agreed that we need to be smart about this. Klaus can't suspect us when we come. We're hoping you would help us. That's why I called you here."

"Of course! How can I help?" Her voice is full of eagerness to help. She wants Klaus dead probably even more than I do.

"Klaus calls you to him every few months for your blood, right?" I begin my explanation. She nods, silently asking me to continue. "Well, we thought you could go to him and distract him with a talk. Say that you want to give him your blood now instead of next week, so you can have a weekend with me and Care at your lakehouse or something. After everything that happened, he surely won't suspect anything and be busy with you for a while. And while he, I don't know, pins that needle into your arm to draw your blood out, Kol would come up to him and dagger him. Meanwhile, I will use a spell making sure Klaus won't be able to hear or see Kol. Or me."

She smiles and nods. "Sounds like a perfect plan! Let's do this!"


Three hours later, I am standing in the Mikaelson mansion behind Kol, hiding us both with a shielding spell. Klaus is currently securing Elena's arms on a chair. Like she would try and run.

"Alright, doppelgänger. There's only one thing left for me to do." Klaus says. He walks to a drawer nearby and takes something out of it.

Elena furrows her eyebrows. "What's that?"

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