A New Purpose

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On the next morning, I am sitting in front of our hut, preparing some vegetables for lunch. Or dinner, I actually don't know. Haakon is helping me. I have decided to use this opportunity to talk to him. After all, there are some things I can't have him talk about to others.

"Haakon, do you remember what your mother, Ayana and I talked about yesterday?" I ask him.

He nods his head. "Yes. Mother said you're a midwife now."

"Yes, I am." I carefully confirm, "But there's more. You see, my darling, I learned to be a midwife before I came here, in my old home."
This part is not entirely true, but not exactly a lie either.
"And yesterday, we decided that it would be best for me to become the new midwife here because our village needs one. Therefore, it's the right thing to do. All that other talk about... not drawing attention and all that, it really was not important. And it's one of those things that one should rather not talk about with other people outside of our family."

"So, you don't want me to tell anyone?!" Haakon asks. I do say, that boy is sharp for his age. He seems to have inherited his mother's intelligence.

I purse my lips, look at my hands for a moment, and then turn my gaze back to my nephew. "Yes. Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't." he assures me lightly and focusses on his task, cutting wild garlic and beets for dinner. I remember how, in the beginning, I used to be wary about giving a young kid a knife, but Tatia insisted it was fine. As long as someone was there with him, like I am right now.

I watch him for a moment. Then, I take my own knife back into my hand and go back to cutting the vegetables in front of me.
"Thank you, Haakon. You're a great boy."

"I am?" his eyes sparkle now, as if I just told him it's Christmas today.

"I am?" his eyes sparkle now, as if I just told him it's Christmas today

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I smile fondly at him. "Yes, you are."


In the afternoon, shortly before sunset, I decide to take a little trip to the forest. Now that I'm a midwife, I will probably be needing some medicine in the future. Unfortunately, 10th century America is super short on drug stores. In addition, I may know a lot about medicine in the 21st century, but I know very little about making some out of the plants around me. Luckily, Ayana gave me some advice, adding to my previous knowledge. Which means, I know a bit more now. And that I need some plants from the forest in order to make some medicine, so that I'll have it ready in case I need it.

It's a lovely afternoon. Many leaves are already turning brown and orange on their trees. The weather is pleasant and still warm enough, but a cold chill in the air tells me that the nice warmth won't last much longer.

I collect whatever useful herbs, flowers, mushrooms or leaves I can find. The knife and satchel I borrowed from Tatia is proving invaluable for my current work. Although, climbing on trees to collect some mistletoes while wearing a dress turns out to be extremely unpractical. Getting up into that damn tree is difficult enough. The bright side is, once I'm up there, the task to cut what I need is quite easy. The not so bright side: getting down is even more difficult, because now, my satchel is full and heavier and with that awfully long skirt of mine, I can't really see my feet. For a few steps, I'm fine nevertheless. But then, when I'm about halfway down the tree, my foot misses a branch. I trip, struggle, and fall.

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