The Devil's Face

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About two months later, I am sitting on the couch in the Salvatore boarding house together with Caroline, Bonnie and Rebekah. We decided to have a movie night. It is nice to just sit on the couch, watch a silly romantic movie and eat popcorn with the girls.

Rebekah asked Hayley to come too, but she wants to take Hope to the zoo in Richmond today. Stefan is at the Grill, working. It took Rebekah some time to understand why he got himself a job like that, but eventually, she did understand.

I pop another salted popcorn ball into my mouth as I watch the hard-working, poor woman in the movie go to the hospital and pick up the rich douchebag with amnesia, telling him he is her husband, quote, 'for better or worse, honey'. Rebekah and Caroline giggle in amusement, Bonnie and I chuckle. Looks like that lazy rich guy is going to do some work for once.

The movie is great, the popcorn yummy and the company lovely. Unfortunately, we don't get to see how the story ends, because, shortly before the movie ends, one of us receives a phone call.

Rebekah lets out a huff of annoyance and brings her cell phone to her ear. "What is it, Kol? I'm not in the mood for your petty little games right now!"

Since I am not a vampire, I can't hear what her youngest brother says, but I can see Bekah's face change from annoyed to alarmed and know something must be wrong

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Since I am not a vampire, I can't hear what her youngest brother says, but I can see Bekah's face change from annoyed to alarmed and know something must be wrong. Very wrong.

Bonnie speaks up first. "Bekah? What's going on?"

Rebekah gets up from the couch and heads towards the front door while she answers. "Hayley and Hope have gone missing. Nik had one of his hybrids follow them to the zoo. When they weren't coming home, he sent another one to check. They found the hybrid's dead body! Excuse me, ladies  but I have to go!"

Before either of us can respond to that, the blonde original shuts the door behind her.

Caroline shakes her head, gobsmacked. "Damn! I mean, I knew they had enemies, but who would have thought someone would be cruel and dumb enough to take his daughter like that! Especially now that he's gained so much power. Whoever it is must be a total psycho!"

"Duh!" Bonnie replies. She brings the rest of the popcorn back to the kitchen while Caroline and I quickly tidy up the living room. Since it's getting late and movie night is over anyway, Bonnie and I decide to go home now. But, when we step outside and approach my car, I stop in my tracks, looking around.

"Wait! Bon, do you see that?" I ask, a terrible predicament creeping up in me at the sight.

My dark-haired friend looks around too. "Well, I see the porch, the garage and the lawn. My witchy senses tell me there's no one around but us. So, why do you look so worried?"

Without an explanation, I rush back into the house. Bonnie follows me, confused. I run past a surprised Caroline and up the stairs to Damon's room. A quick check of the insides confirms my suspicion. Or, at least, I think it does. My head starts spinning. This can't be happening.

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